During the time I've been in LFS tracks It has numerous times been helpfull
to newcomers and more experienced drivers ( as told by them ) to make
a PRINT out of the LFS keyboard commands / shortcuts / online commands
U can find them in various languages in the folder you installed / extracted
LFS ... forexample : c:\Program Files\LFS S2 Alpha V\Docs\ keys.pdf
it has been very usefull even though all this being very OBVIOUS to many
of us, so i take the risk of double posting ( done a quickie search ) etc ...
And of course if someone asks , feel free to advice on them to have a look
of the document if it has helped you ( heheh )
to newcomers and more experienced drivers ( as told by them ) to make
a PRINT out of the LFS keyboard commands / shortcuts / online commands
U can find them in various languages in the folder you installed / extracted
LFS ... forexample : c:\Program Files\LFS S2 Alpha V\Docs\ keys.pdf
it has been very usefull even though all this being very OBVIOUS to many
of us, so i take the risk of double posting ( done a quickie search ) etc ...
And of course if someone asks , feel free to advice on them to have a look
of the document if it has helped you ( heheh )