Thursday, March 29, 2007
Server Opens @ 9:00PM EST (GMT-5) - Pre-Race Runs Start @ 9:30PM EST (GMT-5)
3 tracks, 3 cars, 12 chances to show you don't have to push the loud pedal through the floorboards to be fast!
The League Of The Americas presents a special autocross event during the schedule break for its two main racing series. An opportunity to do something different, yet challenging and fun at the same time. Autocross is the ultimate test of driving skill and optimal car placement. This event is open to everyone!
Cars: XRG, MRT, LX4
Tracks: Custom tracks, not released until pre-race runs, to give everyone an equal shot to learn and master the layouts.
Event Format: 2 Pre-Race runs to familiarize with the car/track, 4 official runs to set and improve your times.
Racing Format: One car at starting gate at any time, new cars enter the course every 20 seconds. You must spectate as soon as you finish to allow another car on the track. This is very important to keep the event running smooth. Drivers that wait longer than 20 seconds to go to the starting gate will be skipped and you will forfeit that round.
Scoring: Cumulative best times from each car/track combo. Lowest overall time wins the event. Official results will be posted in this thread at event conclusion.
Name Format: To keep organized, your name will need to be modified a bit. For example, my in-game name is CoRe.Banshee56 (with colors). To make things easier, we'll ask people to insert a number before their name like this: 1 - Banshee56 This will help the event organizers to stay....organized.

Communication: During the racing action, text messages are not allowed. This is to allow the event organizers to call the next drivers to the starting gate if necessary. We will also have a Ventrilo server running for people to communicate. This information will be available in-game.
Server Info: We'll be using the "LOTA Special Event" server.
For official discussion about this event, please visit the LOTA Forum Thread.