Limited tyres for Leagues
(14 posts, started )
Limited tyres for Leagues
If this has been mentioned before then sorry, too many pages to look through to see if it has been.

I'd like it if a player could register for a championship through LFS just before a season started. Then once it had you'd only be allocated a certain amount of sets of tyres.
The league admins could limit the tyres to say, 10 sets over 20 races, and if you use them up LFS wont let u get anymore for that league. We would need proper tyre wear models and more realistic tyre temp models aswell along with a few other fixes but i think that would add a more realistic element and could also leave the racing very interesting especially towards the end of a season!
You could use your tyres how and when you wish just so long as you dont use more than 10 sets (or whatever) in a season. Of course when your not racing on the league server or in the league race you would be free to do what u like.
This kind of thing is done in most racing nowadays even A1 GP are using it.

awesome idea
#3 - bbman
I would rather limit the tire sets per race, as it is very hard to keep track who raced when and where on what league... Also, if you limit the sets to 10 and you race 10 tracks, each about one hour or so, you may exchange too much and would have a BIG disadvantage for the rest of the league...

If you limit the tire sets per race, i.e. 3 per race, you'd have 1 set for qualy and 2 for the actual race... Besides, it wouldn't be so hard to keep track of the set exchanging...
Quote from nikimere :... The league admins could limit the tyres to say, 10 sets over 20 races, and if you use them up LFS wont let u get anymore for that league. ....

Hehe niki this is funny. I had almost the same idea after watching F1 today.
Quote from bbman :I would rather limit the tire sets per race, as it is very hard to keep track who raced when and where on what league... Also, if you limit the sets to 10 and you race 10 tracks, each about one hour or so, you may exchange too much and would have a BIG disadvantage for the rest of the league...

If you limit the tire sets per race, i.e. 3 per race, you'd have 1 set for qualy and 2 for the actual race... Besides, it wouldn't be so hard to keep track of the set exchanging...

It wouldn't be hard to keep track of at all. LFS would do it for you. At the start of a league race all it has to do is query LFSW to see how many sets your allowed and store that somewhere locally, then you cant use more than what your allowed. At the end of the race that value can be updated by subtracting the number of sets you used.
Limiting sets to 3 sets a race has no point because thats all most people use anyway.
1 set of tyres a race will force drivers to race with a broader picture (the championship) in mind. I think 1 set of tyres for qualifying and 2 races would be perfect. It's how most RL races are done.
We'd also need to be able to use tyres from previous races again then.
I agree with Bob, and ability to use quali tires in race too, what would be the point of waisting 1 set just doing few laps?
Well you could it do that way: The tyres you used for qual in one race could also be used for qual in the next race and same for your race tyres. So you would have 5 tyre sets for qual and 5 for race (in this example with 10 sets).
Quote from Bob Smith :We'd also need to be able to use tyres from previous races again then.

yep, thats what i meant to say
you'd also had to 'disgard' your tyres when u dont want them anymore.
Indeed, tyres you change during a pit-stop shouldn't be discarded automatically.

To prevent hacking of this system, maybe it should be server side. So LFS would need to "download" tyres from the server. That way league admins would have full control of stuff and could also decide to issue extra tyres for some reason (or take away a set as a penalty or something)

Hard as it may seem to implement, I really like this idea. It would really add to the realism.
Hey, this sounds like a really neat idea. It would have to be done server side, but that shouldn't be too hard. Every time you pit, you just upload your tire info to the server, to be stored on LFSW or something, then just have a little menu of all the sets of tires you have available. It really would add to leagues, great idea.
Yeah, great idea. I wonder how hard it would be to implement, and how much bandwidth it would take 'remembering' our tyre states online?
Good idea, but dont hold your breath, thats probably a little to bit of a fine detail to be implimented any time in the near future..

Now scrubed tires...:P..
I hope that in the future there will be cars with only one "control tyre" to choose from, and I actually wouldn't mind a server option to force one type of tyre when using current cars either.

Limited tyres for Leagues
(14 posts, started )