You know there are a lot of things that are different playing now days as compared to last year. It was laid back, and it was fun. Everyone knew each other. There was rarely any massive restarting and very few instances of banning or kicking.
When the S-2 version came out all that went out the window. the moment the
Alpha version was released, Hordes of people familiar with Console type games
entered with their keyboards and mouses, ready to spin out and blame others at a moment's notice. Thankfully, most of those types have moved on to ruin
somebody else's day. But they did manage to cause some damage while they were here. Alot of people got put off by all the wrecking, the restarts, the insults and the general F*** You attitude that was happening.
Another thing to "factor" in. There really ain't a whole lot of people interested in racing games, much less hardcore sims to begin with. So I imagine a big chunk of the people that aren't around are playing... rFactor.
If those people like that game, then they're gone. If not, they'll get bored with it after playing their money's worth of it and start showing back up.
LOL we should vote to ban them on sight for ... Sedition.
Tweak, you keep going off about needing patches..... uh... a patch foooor....? I don't see where a patch that fixed a mispelling in Romanian
would really be such a big draw to the kids in Iowa.
Or are you talking about a patch like the one that the MRT came in?
Now THAT would do something. It would also bring back alot of those
"other" types too.
I would say that if the devs are serious about pushing this game. I mean REALLY pushing it, they ought to at least hire on a Marketing Consultant....
But when you look at the fact LFS is made for a Niche market and that
the overall method of purchase and delivery of the product is strictly
online only, that would really be just a waste of money.
What could be done though is the Devs breaking down and buying a full page ad (can you get a 1/2 page?) in PC Gamer. Yes, an ad. Not to wait for somebody to come along and review it. If enough interest is generated from the ad, then a review will eventually happen.
My advice for ad placement would be for March. That would be
about the time the average gamer is getting burnt out on whatever
they got for X-mas and looking for something else. And that's also the
time tax refund checks start appearing here in the US.
I dunno... just a thought