The online racing simulator
Dummy Cars in track creator
(12 posts, started )
#1 - aoun
Dummy Cars in track creator
This isnt an important feature, seeing how this is more of a racing game.. but it would be good to have dummy cars to place in the autocross etc. For the city servers for example who have parking lots, they could place dummy cars around the parking lot, or in south city, have cars parked on the side.. you all get what im saying by dummy cars yeh? like you cant drive them or control them.. they just an object..
hmm, i would say +1 but i think if ur gonna do that ull get big FPS drops IMO, so -1
i dont think u would get less fps as they are fixed objects, no calculations needed, and LFS isnt GPU intense anyway.

would be cool for driving lessons too.
i support it
#4 - Jakg
its an extra physics object, it will ht the CPU harder, and LFS is usually CPU limited anyway

+1 though
To be a physics object the object in question needs to have physical properties. Dummy cars don't have any, they just stand there like a brick wall. Only FPS loss is the textures, basically.

They are a bit like old people in super markets. You can only go around them

Spraying graffitis on them, now, that's a different thing...
Attached files
KY3_fix_v1.lyt - 76 B - 136 views
#6 - Jakg
you can hit them, and they can move - ergo physics calculations
As long as you don't want moving suspensions and wheels, such a car shouldn't need more physic calculations than a simple cone. A cone can be hit and move around as well. The only problem would be, that a hit car would disappear after some seconds.
Sounds quiet cool, +1
If they dont move at the moment of time the game would stop calculating physics until something hits the car so it wont be a problem.
+1 Awesome!
+1 from me. I'm up for more AutoX parts.
Quote from Hyperactive :They are a bit like old people in super markets. You can only go around them

Spraying graffitis on them, now, that's a different thing...

+1, but seriously dude.. you spray paint old people in supermarkets?

Dummy Cars in track creator
(12 posts, started )