The online racing simulator
S2 Alpha Patch W
(298 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Scawen :One of the fixes was in the unlocking system, so some people need to unlock again.
But you get a new spare unlock every week (up to 2 spare) so don't worry, just unlock.

Ok, there was need to enter nik and game password, now it's ok

No problems with the patch here, but I'd just like to say how much I'm looking forward to more racers (although maybe not at T1!) and the South City graphical updates.

Not sure if it's actually the case, but it looked like my replays were running smoothing after installing Patch W.
Tried to change the engine sound over night and the tools given in LFS are fairly rubbish. The problem isn't the "exhaust system" you can work on - it is simply the noise going into that system...

Jan :-)
Quote from MyBoss :Just a quick summary..

Patch X:
More racers
More spectators

Patch Y:
New GTR interiors
Graphical update on South City

Neat, looking forward to it.

edit: Have to read better. lol

Just to bad we don't see improvements on replay on the list.. As Admin of Belgium LFS competitions I'm dying to see the function "REWIND" on the options of replay !!! When evaluating a race it is a very needed option !!

Next on the phisics we all would love to see some spoilers go off on collision... Also Permanent dammage is very needed. This will solve a lot of commicase piloting maneuvres. It would be mutch better to survive the first corners !!

For the rest .. Thanks for the nice updates !!!!

Hans Vandale
Better engine sound?
Some of the engines may sound better, but the BMW F1 sounds worse than before. Did I miss something?
Quote from hwestbeek :Some of the engines may sound better, but the BMW F1 sounds worse than before. Did I miss something?

Really forgot that ^^ The F1 sound is a catastrophy - it was best when the car was released...

Jan :-)
Quote from hanzime :
Next on the phisics we all would love to see some spoilers go off on collision... Also Permanent dammage is very needed. This will solve a lot of commicase piloting maneuvres. It would be mutch better to survive the first corners !!

you do know that visible damage wasn't intended to be put in S2 at all in the first place? I wouldn't get myself too excited about possible falling off parts until S3.
Quote from Scawen :
As the higher number of polygons affects you so badly, I suspect your graphics card is something really old like a GeForce2 or similar, which cannot do Hardware Vertex Shading? If you can't switch on HVS (at bottom of the graphics options screen) then it's really too old now. The thing is that HVS is several years old now and you should be able to get a basic DirectX graphics card (a few years old model) for a few pounds from somewhere - if there's one thing you can do, that's it! And any one you can get will immediately give you high frame rates at high LOD levels.

There is also loads of laptops without HVS. I posted an improvement suggestion in case you haven't enabled the Intel/AMD optimized software mode.
Quote from danowat :Surely the simplest soloution would be to make the colours user-definable, like you have done with the UI, that way people can tune it to their preference, as I think it will be a VERY difficult task to please everyone with these colours.

An even simpler solution is to use different shapes, as well as colours, to distinguish between the cars on the map. For example:
- Triangle = car that is ahead of you
- Filled Square = car that is behind you
- Outlined Square = car that is more than 1 lap behind you

Then it wouldn't matter which type of colour-blindness you have. And it may also be useful for folks who can see all colours, but for whom the shape is a better visual cue.
is there any particular reason why neither esc nor shift-o works (as expected for esc) while watching mprs ?
It has always been like that - it's nothing new and it's awaiting the looping of MP Replays. When I've made them loop then I can make them have a menu and make the options accessible and more consistent with SP Replays and eventually more replay controls for both.

I'm well aware that more replay controls are needed and it's on my list. Also someone seems to request replay controls nearly every day. As usual, it's not yet done, because other things were done instead. But don't worry, eventually there will be more replay controls.
just wonder why scawen writes nothing about the sound

Quote from halllo_fireball :just wonder why scawen writes nothing about the sound


Why?, because there is nothing wrong with it, with Dave's new (default) sounds, LFS sounds much better than it did.

It's down to personally preference, you don't like it, fair enough, but do you expect it to be changed to suit "just" you?.

As for the BF1, it may well sound bad, but luckily I very rarely drive single seaters.
It has nothing to do with personal preferences! LFS tries to be a realistic simulation - and the sound of the flat six engine as well as the sound of the BF1 is far from reality! I wouldn't complain if there would have been improvements in the past ...
There have been improvements in the past, it sounds much better imo than the patch U and V versions. The BF1 is just the hardest car to get right I guess because of the very distinctive sound of F1 cars. I think more additions to the sound engine are needed to get it better.
You like the old sounds better, I like the new sounds better. So it is a matter of personal preference as well. Anyway, there´s an editor you can use, that´s the beauty of it.
Quote from halllo_fireball :just wonder why scawen writes nothing about the sound


The sounds have been in development for a while now. You can even add your OWN samples to get the type of touch you want....

Engine Sound Sharing (new BF1 sounds just released Posts#126,#141)
Another Full Soundpack (updated for 0.5V2) (the development of the sounds in patch W)

Apologies if you already knew about those threads.

PS: LFS CARSOUND ReMixer still works if you want something with some punch
Quote from joen :There have been improvements in the past, it sounds much better imo than the patch U and V versions. The BF1 is just the hardest car to get right I guess because of the very distinctive sound of F1 cars. I think more additions to the sound engine are needed to get it better.
You like the old sounds better, I like the new sounds better. So it is a matter of personal preference as well. Anyway, there´s an editor you can use, that´s the beauty of it.

The additions made in the past e.g. the exhaust system made the sound much softer which is good for the 4 cyl engines. But for the right flat 6 sound there have to be made some changes on the engine sound itself... btw: a 5 cyl engine sounds perfect in LFS - sadly we don't have any 5 cyl cars in LFS...
Sorry that I'm so scientific about the sound, but as I want to have a very realistic game, I have to.

Jan :-)
How did you update Buzin? Did you go from patch V to W, or from, say, Q to W? You might be missing intermediary patches, so it could be worthwhile downloading the full install...
Quote from halllo_fireball :It has nothing to do with personal preferences! LFS tries to be a realistic simulation - and the sound of the flat six engine as well as the sound of the BF1 is far from reality! I wouldn't complain if there would have been improvements in the past ...

I think it's not about being a flat-6, it's about being rear engined.
Real rear engined cars have very interesting exhausts. LFS cars don't. The sound of a 997 GT3 RS is a very far away - just looking at the exhaust tells you that it will take a while until we can simulate that properly in realtime.
In other words: Scawen knows the engine sound isn't perfect. It will propably get some more attention when the engine simulation is improved.

Quote from fiestarlekin_99 :Hallo, after to install the s2 Alpha Patch W, i can't join in registred server, but i have acces onli to DEMO server...somebody know why?

Thx, and sorry to my enghlisch

Wow, somebody else from Italy!
Have you unlocked to S2 (it happened quite often that you had to unlock after updating)?

Try the BF1 sound file from the DaveWS's pack version 3 that was released before the sounds got included in the official patch... it sounds a bit better IMO. ... rd-footage-lfs-so4r-.aspx

If the new sounds starts to sound "crap" again, I noticed that watch some old video from youtube that was made before patch V and W.. now that's horrible

Attached files
BF1_DaveWS_v3.eng - 300.6 KB - 740 views
The new default sounds are awesome!!
GREAT improvement for immersion
Quote from halllo_fireball :just wonder why scawen writes nothing about the sound

Because I'm here, still not hearing the sound from the kerbs
I find the lod is not as good, there's more pop ups appearing later now, espically on Blackwood..

Also is it me, did we have sounds when on the curbs before? and come to that, FF effects as well, there's nout now.?
No, we've never had curb sounds. The FF effects are not so heavy with the new patch when running on them, but still noticeable on some cars.
This thread is closed

S2 Alpha Patch W
(298 posts, closed, started )