The online racing simulator
Question about taking over someones car
Tonight I raced on a demo-server and after a while some idiot came in and started wrecking and voting etc. etc. He wasn't that successful and at a certain moment he took over my car, started a vote against me from under my name and so I ended up banned from the server. Not so much of a problem for me, it was a demo-server, so you can expect all kind of things there. Still I'm wondering, how is it possible for someone to "steal" your car/account and start using it? I didn't ask him, I didn't approve anything, it just happened and it's frightening me a bit.
Did it occur in the pits? It could be a bug with the driver change code - or an accidental use of it... If so that would occur at the end of a pitstop and you'd have been spectated.

But more likely he just set his name to be the same as yours and pretended to be you.

Mind you, you only have yourself to blame for going to demo
No, I was driving the last corner of BL1 and suddenly I was spectating, with him using my name to start a vote against me (without the real me in the connectionlist) and spamming the chat. As said, not so much of a problem in the end, but still weird to experience.
I don't suppose you saved a replay?
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I don't suppose you saved a replay?

No I didn't.
Just to make sure, that fact it happened doesn't bother me that much, after all it was demo etc. etc. The only thing I'm wondering about is, how could this happen and is it really that easy to take someone over. If so, that's a real problem for "us" normal users and a great opportunity for people who like to make other people miserable.
If you haven't raced since, goto your LFS replay folder and rename temp.mpr - it's a replay of the last race you where in.

It'd be interesting to see what happened there, in terms of the INSIM data. This could be a hole that needs fixing.
seems like a good enough reason to stick to s2 servers for me . It is pretty scary though, could it be some kind of a license hack, where he stole your lisence or something, in that case i would be upset. Hopefully get gets the replay, if it is how he describes, i think he should send it to Scawen.
Quote from Becky Rose :If you haven't raced since, goto your LFS replay folder and rename temp.mpr - it's a replay of the last race you where in.

It'd be interesting to see what happened there, in terms of the INSIM data. This could be a hole that needs fixing.

Good suggestion, I will look at it, when I get home tonight and report about it.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Good suggestion, I will look at it, when I get home tonight and report about it.

I don't have a replay in my LFS-folder. Strange, I closed LFS right after the incident.
maybe u didnt look in the right folder
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I don't have a replay in my LFS-folder. Strange, I closed LFS right after the incident.

Actually run LFS and go to replays. You should see a temp.mpr listed there.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I don't have a replay in my LFS-folder. Strange, I closed LFS right after the incident.

The temp-replays are only stored as long as you don't close LFS (it has been suggested to change it, but apparantly it hasn't been done, yet).
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :LFS/data/mpr
maybe u didnt look in the right folder

Could have been the case, but making a living as a system-administrator, I know my way in folders etc. etc.
Unfortunately, the evidence is gone. I'll remember this case, so when it happens again (I hope never) I'll copy the replay immediately.
It happened again
It happened to me again, several times now
This is really sick, some idiot killed the whole server spamming and banning with my name. I really think LFS has a security leak. MPR is attached.
Attached files
040407.mpr - 1.2 MB - 182 views
There are good and bad news...

The good news is: LfS is perfectly safe, for demonstration: create a new player profile and ingame, change your profile and watch what LfS says...
The bad news: That wasn't just one... I've counted at least two kiddies, possibly three... I think we should send them a little ticking present...
I just watched the replay myself and discovered he wasn't using my exact name. He changed the Y for a V. Still I think this kind of behaviour (we all saw it many times I guess) is very bad for the game. Think of all the newcomers which start on the demo-servers and see all those things. I might scare them away, even with the warnings represented on the screen, that there's a big difference between demo and S2. But in the end, the biggest problem is the fact that all those servers are running without admins present and/or watching. There for I suggest an option for a some kind of sign in the server list, to see if a server has one or more admins present.
watched the replay and quite odd behaviour indeed. maybe scawen could add some feature that gives automatic ban for person who sents exactly same message for lets say 3 times in a row? or something. thou its tricky when you have exactly same names when racing on demo side. it gives a bad puplicity when you meet such a retarded person on demo.