The online racing simulator
MS Sidewinder Throttle/Accelerator
Is there anyway to get the "Throttle Lever" on the MS sidewinder flightstick to work the accelerator in the game?

I'm using one of the buttons for the gas now....but it's an "All or nothing" sort of makes it tough in turns....since the gas is full on.

Any advise?

#2 - Davo
Yes it is possible but it'd very slow. You need something that reacts quickly and the slider is too fiddly. Just recalibrate your control in lfs and see which axis the slider is moves and assign it to the accelerator. You will need another to use it for both gas and brakes unless you assign brakes to another axis.

Why don't you use up for gas and back for brakes on the joystick? Hard at first but after some getting used to ou'll have much better control.