good job on keeping up the development but I think the old one is better because:
1. typeface were bland, but at least they weren't too loud and take away the focus from the photos (which is the main thing about your site), new typeface are a bit random, not very consistent and too much thick fonts, you generally might want to use thick fonts only for eye catching lines, but too much of it will make the page really crowded and hard to read.
2. square and grid like layout is always safe and easy to master, this vertical column style though would need some more care on the proportion and spacing, the width and space between the columns are not quite there. I would suggest you use a slightly altered grid style, may I present some examples:
obviously you don't have to do all the flash based stuff, but the site has some good example on how to compose a layout using just squares, you can easily incorporate your photos and also the natvigatio hotspots in one unified object, instead of using chunky natvigation bars.
very simple, very clean, and good use of font face too, notice the difference in weight and importance created just by using different fonts.
hope you find that useful