The online racing simulator
#1 - Woz
C# Object representation of the LFS setup file
NOTE: See later for update

You know how it goes. You ask yourself a stupid question like "If I made a setup that was the average of all the setups for that car.... would it be a good general purpose setup?"

The attachment is the result.

There are two projects in the c# solution. One is a full object representation of the LFS setup file along with a reader/writer object. The other an app that allows you to create setups that are a number of files merged into one. Things that do not make sense to average are prompted for before the file is created.

Iy you use the library you should note that the limits are very loose on the setup fields so it is posssible to create invalid setups. I think what is needed is a config file that defines the limits for each car. The object would use this when objects are created to set the limits.

If you make changes to the library then please change the namespace of you library to avoid conflicts.

I have not manageed to drive the results yet as have some fresh stitches in a place that would get stressed if I drive

Enjoy and let me know what you think the setups it makes.
Attached files
LfsSetupMerge.rar - 60.9 KB - 517 views
#2 - w126
Something related:
Quote :Abstract. Formula One motor racing is a rich sport that spends millions
on research and development of highly optimized cars. Here we describe the
use of a genetic algorithm to optimize 66 setup parameters for a simulation
of a Formula One car and demonstrate performance improvements (faster lap
times) better than all other methods tested.

Your code could be very useful for doing similar stuff with LFS.
#3 - Woz
Updated project....

The merge code is now down in the Setup file library where is belongs. Also the diff manipulation now checks the source car type and only pulls in values that make sense.

Default diff settings are now used in the merge if no settings are available to average. Before when no values were present it would default to the Min value for that setting, far from ideal.

There is also a built version of the app for those without VS2005. Here is a quick user guide.

1) Start app. When prompted select your LFS setup directory.
2) Select the car type to build a merge for.
3) Select the setup files to merge.
4) Hit merge. Enter a setup name for your merge and select the hand selectable settings.
5) Press create.
Attached files
LfsSetupMerge.rar - 189.4 KB - 348 views
#4 - Venus
I"m not sure that would work. Everyone has different driving styles, and by mixing them, you will probably end up with a set that doesn't work for anyone because its a mix of all styles. I'm sure it will work, but I highly doubt it will be fast.

#5 - maczo