Footwork FA15 (1994 livery)
(8 posts, started )
#1 - bbman
Footwork FA15 (1994 livery)
#2 - bbman
Nobody? Too bad...
I would do it, but sadly i don't have the talent. I managed to get a toy version of the car, but i lost it...
Does look interesting, squares are always a challenge. I could give it a go tomorrow perhaps. Any idea about the blurry sponsors and the texts on the car?
#5 - bbman
I dug out my 1:53 matchbox model (used to play with them as a kid), unfortunately it only features a "matrix design" in the yellow bit on the sidepod, the ford logos on the nose and the rear of the car, the "Lee Cooper" under the red part and the "ULIVETO" on the green one... Also the number nine on the nose and the sides of the rear wing... It isn't very detailed, I admit...

Edit: I found a bigger picture, but it's useless, the paint is mirroring the sun so much that you can't read anything again:

On a sidenote: I find 1994's liverys much better than those nowadays... Especially the Lotus and the Jordan (and of course the Footwork) are way more enjoyable to look at than those dull painting on today's F1-cars...
(Blackout) DELETED by Blackout : Useless :)
Footwork FA15 #9
Here you go!

Both 1024 and 2048 skins attached. Too bad I couldn't find what all those texts were. I'll update it if someone can find out.

Attached images
#7 - bbman
Thank you very much! I owe you one...
Nice skin man! great job!

Footwork FA15 (1994 livery)
(8 posts, started )