What Bandwidth is needed for 32 drivers?
I wonder which bandwidth is needed if there are 32 drivers on a sever?

I am a looser with only german ISDN (64kbit) and had big trouble joining a full W10-Server. There was nothing to see for me, every 10 seconds I lost the connection.
#3 - h0tz
Afaik a car needs 3kb/s for upload, so you end up with 93kb/s downstream on your side for the other 31 drivers and 3kb/s upstream for your car...

Uhm...perhaps something changed...384bytes/s per car upload now..
#4 - CSU1
Quote from The angry angel :Based on the figures for patch W9 (with a pps of 3);
23 connections, 23 racers = about 142.3KB/sec upload
48 connections, 23 racers = about 380KB/sec upload

Adjusting the smoothing can reduce/increase bandwidth requirements quite a lot.
Quote from Tweaker :It depends, but find out for yourself by using the bandwidth calculator when you start a new online game in Multiplayer

Multiplayer --> Start New Game

See here: http://en.lfsmanual.net/wiki/Game_modes#Start_new_game

The bandwidth calculator tells me to have only 2 connections. Thats ok for the server, but not for the client. I'm able to drive on a server with 20 racers without problems, but have no chance with 28 racers.
So I'd like to know the bandwidth from client-side and not from server-side.

But I found the pps options in the config. It's set to 4 (default I guess).
I'll try to set it to 3 and have a look wether it's still drivable...
I forsee me laging out of a lot of servers...will be even harder to find the 3-5 person crowds my dial up connectoin can handle lol,
#8 - RiGun
Using the LFS bandwidth calculator isn't quite right for this case because the server has to send the info to each client, so if you deduce that if the server has to upload about 380KB/sec for 48 connections, each computer would recibe about 8kb/s, what i can't tell from that is how much you need to upload to the server.
#9 - Davo
At 4pps which is what I think most servers are set too, 384B/s x 32 = 12kB/s download as a client if I'm working it out right. Upload all you need is 384B/s to send your car info. This number goes upto 576B/s for servers with updates 6pps.