The online racing simulator
Parkour Freaks
(12 posts, started )
Parkour Freaks
Hey People i was on lfs today and asking if anyone did parkour and nearly every server had 1 or 2 people who did it so i wanna no if anyone does Parkour?
Also tell the following:
Place you live:
Any Videos you have:
Your youtube account name so i can add you:
If you wanna see my nooby parkour type brendonv on youtube and pick "My Noob Parkour" video.
Enjoy people.
Ohh yeh Also visit my website:
Regards Brendon.v
#2 - Ziil
I started PK in 2003 so I've been at it for some time now

Never really cared for doing any PK vids just some random clips.

Age: 18
Place you live: Tallinn Estonia
Your youtube account name so i can add you: Don't know if I even have an account there :P
god i put this thread up for 2 mins and already got 1 who does parkour. Soon there will be hundreds of comments.
Get thats camera out of the closet and start filming lol. I wanna see ur skills.
Regards Brendon.v
Hundreds, huh?
I wont go on some person rant, but I do hope that later down the road in life these stunts wont harm your well being. Looks like the human body really takes a beating with Parkour.
Quote from jayhawk :I wont go on some person rant, but I do hope that later down the road in life these stunts wont harm your well being. Looks like the human body really takes a beating with Parkour.

While I in no way endorse running and jumping around like a spaz, I can say that by the time you get to 30 the chances are you'll feel like everything's wearing out anyway, so you might as well get some fun out of your body while it all still works properly.
I can vouch Kevin. I'm almost 31 and I've got a list of stuff on me that's broken, aching, displaced, dislocated or just plain annoying. It's all from farmwork as a kid, BMX/MTB spills and lifting band gear for the last 15 years. I certainly won't be starting a new hobby where all you have to land on if you mess up is the street - with no tyres or shocks or helmet to absorb impact. But damn, Parkour's a great spectator sport :up: I'll just keep it that way
I used to practice a similar artform in my (much!) younger days; but back then we called it something different..
It was commonly known as :


Lmao Blade
Quote from thisnameistaken :Saw that last night. They are badass.

Anyone else think of a certain Simpsons episode at 2mins 21secs??

Parkour Freaks
(12 posts, started )