The online racing simulator
div 2 fun practice races tonight
just wanted to say thanks/sorry (delete as appropriate) for the fun tonight

there were a couple of wreckers in our midst though who spoiled the last race for me big style. LV drift was driving the wrong way around the track and crashed into me on purpose
#2 - Dru
Quote from dynofiend :just wanted to say thanks/sorry (delete as appropriate) for the fun tonight

there were a couple of wreckers in our midst though who spoiled the last race for me big style. LV drift was driving the wrong way around the track and crashed into me on purpose

we had some good races mate - thikn we all need o work on our speed - but we still have 48 hours til race....

servers will be passworded from tommorrow.....
Shame i missed it, i just ran a few hotlaps last night, i got myself upto 39th in the UF hotlap rankings not long till i make page one
Quote from dynofiend :just wanted to say thanks/sorry (delete as appropriate) for the fun tonight

there were a couple of wreckers in our midst though who spoiled the last race for me big style. LV drift was driving the wrong way around the track and crashed into me on purpose

Sorry for that! I was spectating LV drift and some others for a while, constantly typing in warnings and s**t. This guy started jumping the hills, reversing, i gave him many friendly warnings in the beginning. I believe there were a few bad noobs amongst us. Next time something like this happens just give one of us a shout and the bad guy might be kicked/banned much earlier!


der butz