The online racing simulator
How do you... switch from STCC to CTRA userbars?
Get your CTRA status image visable in your signature? I went through UserCP but it doesn't seem to work.

At all.

In the least.

Does a moderator do it at their disgression or am I missing something?
Right. Seeing as how I found it covered already... maybe should be stickied?
#3 - SamH
Today I've updated the graphics and replaced the STCC userbars with CTRA userbars. For those who are STCC league racers and use that userbar, those graphics remain (and will until the end of the STCC season).

There is no need to use the ctra/ or ctra/mini/ switches in your signatures, though there's no urgency in removing the switches if you've used them, and the userbars work with or without the switches.
Quote from SamH :For those who are STCC league racers and use that userbar, those graphics remain (and will until the end of the STCC season).

I am STCC league racer and the userbar still changed to CTRA Platinum Racer.
#5 - SamH
You're both an STCC league racer *and* a CTRA Platinum licenced racer. There is an option in your licence to set "licence exemption". With this option turned on, it shows you as an STCC league racer. With this option turned off, it shows your licence status (i.e. Platinum).

When the CTRA servers were STCC branded, STCC league racers could choose to become licence exempt, which would allow them access to the higher (event) servers without having to earn those points in public racing. However, if they chose that option they were excluded from the public points championship (Top 50 Racers etc, race to Titanium etc).

STCC league racers will need to let me know if they want to carry their STCC league racer userbars or their CTRA licence status.

I've switched yours to licence exempt. Once I've spoken to all the drivers, I'll be able to then make the necessary changes to allow them to compete in the public points championship AND carry STCC League userbars.
Thanks Sam,
I appreciate all the effort you put in the STCC/CTRA.
#7 - SamH
Quote from LRB_Aly :Thanks Sam,
I appreciate all the effort you put in the STCC/CTRA.

No sweat, buddy! It's fun for us too!
when did the change happen?
i saw no stcc cervers one day and CTRCSACSr Servers the next huh
I hope Becky is getting things sorted, and the STCC team is still together for the new CTRACSTC whaterever