Well, i have only played it for a few hours in total since i got it....WHAT AN AMAZING GAME! I absolutely love it! I am yet to play it online though :/
So far, i have done all of Mikhail's and Vlad's missions. I have also gone past the "situation" you have with dimitri. Atm, i am doing Little Jacob's missions and that Elizabetha or whatever she is called.
I have done 24 missions so i dont think im far from the second island

I think my most enjoyful time atm, was i was walking underneath the bridge that leads to the second island. I found an old abandoned muscle car, that was complete with missing drivers door, hood, rust, front left wing, and dented roof, the remaining wing was also ripped up. Anyway, niko jumped in and tryed to start it but it would'nt. Eventualy, after cursing, he got it started. Unfortunately, i cop saw me, and i got out and shot him then ran off. This got me 2 stars, and 2 cop cars got behind me after a few seconds. I got onto the freeway, that was above me. Without me knowing, i was heading towards the roadblock. I decided to keep on going, and then plowed into the road block. I actually hit the wall on the left and went over the roadblock, but the landing pushed my left wheel into the door. This slowed me down, and i got six stars. I managed to get to the other side, but there was swat waiting for me. I quickly got shot down and killed

. Was great fun seing a helicopter accidently hit the bridge, then blowup and land on the 2 police cars behind me though