The online racing simulator
Spare PSU for Logitech Driving Force? (UK)
Hi all, and welcome to my first post!

Just got LFS about 2 weeks ago and have already ordered my first wheel, the Logitech Driving Force (Not PRO). But there's a snag. It's a US item, and I'm in the UK. Can anybody tell me what the connection type, input voltage/current and polarity of the beast is, so I can buy a no-name PSU, or can I get a genuine Logitech spare in the UK?Or, in fact, are there any third party PSU's about?

Cheers you guys (and gals?)
Mine says: Input: 230v ~ 50Hz
Output: 24v ___ 750mah

The connector type is one of them round things (approx 5mm outside diamater), a lot of products use the type.

If your getting the US PSU, you could just use a US -> UK plug adapter, they cost like 50p at my local Tesco.
Mint. That 230v in means you're right, I'll go for the Tesco cheapo option.

I've read lots of mixed views on this wheel, and lots of horror stories like wandering centres, pedals snapping, and other nastiness - do you rate it?
If you want my opinion, the pedals are rubbish. On my set, the brake pedal has a slight amount of play before there's any spring action, the throttle pedal feels too light, and I hit the famous "pedals cutting out" problem in less than a week! Their only redemming features are the carpet grabbing system, and they're comfortable to rest your feet on between races

But the wheel is absolutely brilliant Very fun, and configurable. I use it in conjunction with my MS sidewinder precision pedals, this combo has knocked easily over a second off my PB's accross the board compared to my old sidewinder wheel (non FF). Its a lot more fun now as well. I've been experimenting with using the DFP throttle pedal as a clutch pedal which is quite fun.

If you hit problems with the DFP pedals you could try some MS sidewinder ones, the wheel + pedals go for around £3 on ebay, and the pedals are solid units that last years and years, nice spring tension too.