I hope this is the right forum to post as it is about traffic/packet loss.
The average user with a broad band internet connection will have two or three TV boxes(in my case three ntl decoder boxes) and a network modem. If each TV decoder box is on and tuned to different channels and the modem is using a large amount of traffic will the decoder boxes hamper or slow down the connection for the user?
I imagine it would. I cant find any technical specs on TV signal frequencey bb signal freq. and the way they work around one and other, and want to know what portion of 'the cable' is used for network usage and how much TV signal is too much that it would interfere with the modem
Atm when all ntl services are at full as described above, if I start using a large amount of traffic the decoder boxes freeze for a moment, so this tels me there must be a direct relation to both signals and their resorces.
I'll be switching off all TV decoder boxes for important races in future
The average user with a broad band internet connection will have two or three TV boxes(in my case three ntl decoder boxes) and a network modem. If each TV decoder box is on and tuned to different channels and the modem is using a large amount of traffic will the decoder boxes hamper or slow down the connection for the user?
I imagine it would. I cant find any technical specs on TV signal frequencey bb signal freq. and the way they work around one and other, and want to know what portion of 'the cable' is used for network usage and how much TV signal is too much that it would interfere with the modem

Atm when all ntl services are at full as described above, if I start using a large amount of traffic the decoder boxes freeze for a moment, so this tels me there must be a direct relation to both signals and their resorces.
I'll be switching off all TV decoder boxes for important races in future