The online racing simulator
Perfect! And the best is, i search and search...... and i found no bug!
Great Work!
I hope we have no problems with this tool, when patch X is coming?
Quote : MPR file format : result times now saved in milliseconds

Thx Gai-Luron
Hi Gai-Luron,

I have one bug to report on ver 0.41, the header title on each of the best split time tables doesn't display correctly.
Stats Output can be found here: ... _07/TTT_Rd02_DivA_R1.html

I also have 2 questions:
Is the WR difference values using the PubStat system working and if so where do I place my pubstat number to activate it?
Is it here: LFSSTat, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null?
BTW what does the neutral mean?

And is there any way I can edit the file format of the output files (html, lbl etc) and if not is it part of your future development plans?

Keep up the great work and I love your Lap by Lap table
New version will be tested tonight

-The bug was fixed in 0.42

- For WR, it dosn't work for now. In the future i implement it

-You can edit file format modifing le file in templates directory. Do a save before modify this files. If i have time to spend in the future i want to implemente a parser type phpBB in application. It's more powerfull. You can also edit language or add in the language directory

- "Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" it's a compiling information of Csharp, not important
Plz guys...let quiet a bit Gai Luron with his new "LFS stats"...he do work too for new LFS Lapper after his "LFS stats" working fine ...he's not Shiva...he have only 2 arms (rolf)
Lapper is most important to league managers and hosters.

PS Great work Bro ! This one is important too for leagues management
Thanks for your answers Gai-Luron. Sorry that I raised a bug you already fixed but better to ask than let slip

I will leave you in peace for now as Gwendoline as requested and I look forward to your continued development of this project in the future

"LFS Stats Lives"
i probably missed that one, np.
Hi Gai-Luron, when you next get around to it you may want to look at this possible bug.

Race leader table does not show correct Racer for the laps indicated, somehow it duplicates another Racer name typically the next one on the list. It then doesn't match the stats in the Laps led table.
It has duplicated on every mpr stats output to date so seems to be a stats app issue.
Stats Output here: ... _07/FXR_Rd04_DivB_R2.html
Replay here: ... 7/MNR_FXR_DivB_Rd4_R2.mpr (6MB)
Gai-Luron first of all thank you for your work.
Secondly your download link appears to be not working anymore.

New version: 0.43

- Bug fix in Race leader
- New link for download


Thanks a lot Gai-Luron for your excelent iniciative, the community long waited for someone to take this project on.
League management will continued as it was due to your effort.

I wish you and Monk the best of luck for your projects and the time needed to improve them as you shown capable to.

Cyaz on trackz
Hi Gai-Luron, Wow great work in fixing the last bug report I made

I think I may have another, I haven't tried to duplicate it yet but thought it is worth bringing up now in case you get time to look at it. This bug is simply the fact that a racer appears twice in the stats results (MAM_Racing_40), I am not sure why but maybe he had a disconnect or warped to pits? I haven't checked that deeply yet.

Stats here: ... _07/FXR_Rd02_DivA_R2.html
MPR here: ... und2_DIVA/ffxr_rd2_r2.mpr (~7MB)

BTW are you looking at incorporating all the pitstop, flag detail information like Smith did just before he stopped? I think it is a great feature and adds a lot of useful info you wouldn't normally find easily.
Even the number plate capture was nice as you don't get a chance to see them while racing.
Anyway keep up the great work.
Hello racers,

Thank's to all for the bugs report

New versions of LFSStat : 0.5
- Fix bug of racer appear twice when go to pit after end of race
- Add flags blue and yellows
- Add stats on pit
- Add Plate in the race result


Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello racers,

Thank's to all for the bugs report

New versions of LFSStat : 0.5
- Fix bug of racer appear twice when go to pit after end of race
- Add flags blue and yellows
- Add stats on pit
- Add Plate in the race result



OMG Gai-Luron, you are a development machine, great work.
Not only have you fixed the last bug I found but also added all the improvements I suggested in one go.
Will test 0.5 today

EDIT: I noticed that you didn't include the shortcut links to the new stats (pitstop/flags) at the top of the new race template, so I created them and have attached a copy if you want to include it in the next release. Hope that is O.K.
Attached files
html_race.rar - 1.8 KB - 366 views
I think you forget to iclude the results3.css file to the LFSSTAT0.5\bin directory. It was included in earlier versions but now a can't see it. Result tables don't appear correctly without it.
Hi Gai-Luron,
Noticed the pitstop table shows every racer regardless of whether they actually pitted.
Example Here: ... FXR_Rd02_DivA_R2.html#pit. Taken from same replay as yesterday.
Is there any way of capturing what lap they did pit and having it included in the pitstop table?

Also I think I found another bug, where the split number is incorrect for races on Aston Cadet, the 2nd split gets listed under the split 3 table while the split 2 table is blank. Replay here: http://www.mondaynightracing.c ... fxr/Round3_DIVB/race3.mpr

Sorry if I keep hounding you, I hope you don't mind

New Version : 0.51

- Fix PB of Split, when you do stat of multiple replay
- Add Lap on pitStop and Stop and Start info
- Include result3.css in release

Thank you once again Gai-Luron for quickly fixing any bugs reported and implementing new suggestions.
The whole Australian LFS league racing scene is grateful to you for keeping this great app and project alive
Quote from flinty72 :The whole Australian LFS league racing scene is grateful to you for keeping this great app and project alive

I bet not only them

New Version : 0.6

- Add qualification stat ( Only HTML, csv Later )

Qualification it's to be tested more. Report me Bugs

Its looking good (the replys) .But i`m having trouble with .RAR files,i load lfs then click it (the file) and it asks me to open it with a program .Now what program Hope one of you out there can help me ,thanks

?!?!?!?!?!? how do you do this i dont understand how do you run these damn .RAR files :S im so dumb i need a fraps vid of what you do LOL
hi, the program seems to have a problem with displaying central european characters like ć, č, š, ž etc.. if you could fix that or.. maybe i'm doing something wrong.. here's the example of what i get:

http://www.stovatelji-bicepsa. ... _0.30.8_results_race.html

first name on the list should be Miloš Miljković etc..

LFS stats is born again
(397 posts, started )