Hello Racers,
New Version : 0.61
0.6 --> 0.61
- Change charset in HTML template to "charset=utf-8"
- Choice of folder for the result in the cfg file
- filename generated with leading 0
- Fix shorcut in qualification template
- In qualification ignore Lap where time is under best lap + X% in cfg file.
( PB when player stay in pit or don't move on track for avg time and lap stability )
ex: maxTimeQualIgnore = 10
ignore lap where time is over than Bestlap + 10%
- Lap counted in qualification are lap under best lap + X%
- Fix Combined Best Lap Time, PB When there are 3 Split
- Drivers who have no pit stops don't appear in Pit Stops table
- Letter ^C ^E etc... removed in color and B/W nickname
- Qualification length appear now
- Long track Name implemented
- You can put your own header template in the folder "include" without modifying html_race.tpl, html_qual.tpl, lbl.tpl when you got a new version of LFSStat
- for race : headerrace.tpl
- for qual : headerqual.tpl
- for lbl : headerlbl.tpl
- You can put your own footer template in the folder "include" without modifying html_race.tpl, html_qual.tpl, lbl.tpl when you got a new version of LFSStat
- for race : footerrace.tpl
- for qual : footerqual.tpl
- for lbl : footerlbl.tpl
TODO: ( when i have time to spent

- csv file for qual
- Flags and penalties to implement
- Pubstat posibility for WR
Sorry, but i don't want to change bin directory to LFSSTAT. For me it's normal to put the live version in bin folder. I am UNIX developper