The online racing simulator
#1 - CSU1
Test Patch W21 - W33 gamepad steering problems:
I noticed a few days ago that installing test patches after W21 that the steering sensitvity has increased. Shortly after realising this I reverted back to W21 to check my settings and to make sure it was not my hardware.

As I said I use a gamepad with full .90 analogue steer smooth setting, full description of my settings found here:

I don't really know how to describe it but it seems that the second half of each axis range is much more sensitive, as if analogue steer smooth has been removed, here is how it looks from in-car view.

Here its normal: w21.spr

And any test patch after W21 looks like this: w26.spr

I just hope the next compatable patch is not the same as using a gamepad with LFS will be impossible
Attached files
w21.spr - 8.9 KB - 344 views
w26.spr - 12.9 KB - 313 views
Have you checked your settings?
#3 - CSU1
Quote from geeman1 :Have you checked your settings?

A dozen times yes, I need someone else that uses a gamepad to also check is the same happening to them.


Also checked it on two other pads its still way too sesitive


Geeman, if you use a pad could you get on skype or msn for me please?
I've driven a few cars round BL1R and not noticed anything different from patch W to W26, but I don't use the steer smooth, so I dunno how much difference it makes.
Quote from CSU1 :Geeman, if you use a pad could you get on skype or msn for me please?

I don't. All I know is that controller settings get reseted when you update to W30 or higher. Atleast for me.
#6 - CSU1
Grrrreat I seem to be the only person who uses steer smooth maybe this will give me an excuse to get a wheel
thanks guys
Quote from CSU1 :I noticed a few days ago that installing test patches after W21 that the steering sensitvity has increased. Shortly after realising this I reverted back to W21 to check my settings and to make sure it was not my hardware.

As I said I use a gamepad with full .90 analogue steer smooth setting, full description of my settings found here:

I don't really know how to describe it but it seems that the second half of each axis range is much more sensitive, as if analogue steer smooth has been removed, here is how it looks from in-car view.

Here its normal: w21.spr

And any test patch after W21 looks like this: w26.spr

I just hope the next compatable patch is not the same as using a gamepad with LFS will be impossible

well... you're not the onlyone... I didn't try it too often but it is like you said. I'm using a PS2 gamepad as second option, if my little belarusian guest brother want to destroy my momo... (as he did once 3 years ago but wasn't a momo) because of the new methode to ajust the third person view i made two folders with two lfs versions. One I had updated with every new patch. The otherone left with W.
After Updating the one folder to W30 i noticed that proper driving wasn't able to do.
I was going to say that you probably didn't check the steer smooth option, which is a must use for anyone with a gamepad. I tend to only increase it a very small amount, but without it the pad is too sensative for normal use. I'm probably one of the few who uses a pad when I can easily afford a G25, I just don't take games seriously enough to spend that much money on something that only really takes up desk space
#9 - CSU1
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I was going to say that you probably didn't check the steer smooth option, which is a must use for anyone with a gamepad. I tend to only increase it a very small amount, but without it the pad is too sensative for normal use. I'm probably one of the few who uses a pad when I can easily afford a G25, I just don't take games seriously enough to spend that much money on something that only really takes up desk space

Its just bugging me now, unless there has been some sort of problem whilst installing test patches that is messing with my controls I dont know.

It makes no sense whatsoever for the devs to look into the problem(if there is one, 90% sure there is) because hardly anyone uses a gamepad with LFS.

So I guess I'll just go and gets me a G25

Im wondering though on how the latest test patches reflect on the next compatible patch, will the steering system be the same? If so it looks the end for gamepad users
Well if there is a problem and you really cannot control the game with the gamepad, then that will be the end of LFS for me. I do not take it seriously enough to waste money on a wheel, and I do not have enough desk space for one anyway.
I just gave this another go but with the latest test patch and full steer smooth, it doesnt feel more sensetive to me, it feels slower and wierd.

It could also be the control pad your using, i'm using my Sony Dual Shock 2 from my PS2 with a USB converter from GAME, if I use my cheap after market controller for the PS2 it's gonna feel more sensetive coz it doesn't have that nice firm springyness that the official controller has.
#12 - CSU1
Quote from LineR32 :I just gave this another go but with the latest test patch and full steer smooth, it doesnt feel more sensetive to me, it feels slower and wierd.

It could also be the control pad your using, i'm using my Sony Dual Shock 2 from my PS2 with a USB converter from GAME, if I use my cheap after market controller for the PS2 it's gonna feel more sensetive coz it doesn't have that nice firm springyness that the official controller has.

Thanks mate, ATC Quicksilver and I have no idea how you drive cars in LFS without steer smooth...everyone to his own I suppose


I downloaded a fresh copy of both test patch W34 and LFS main and still the same mad over sesitivity goin on
I have Sony PS2 Dual Shock 2. USB converter. I use the standard Windows SP2 Drivers. that installed when I connected it.
These settings:

Also Analog Steer Smooth set to 0.8
W32 patch Currently Installed

I noticed no difference from any W0-32 patch. I did re-calibrate though. But not everytime.
Attached images
#14 - CSU1
ok mate as I said above everyone to his own settings(but I feel full steer smooth is a must(or was a must))

The difference is only noticed when one uses full .90 smooth, in W21 its fine and after that its not(for me and probably a small amount of drivers that have goten used to full .90 from following my guide.

So to finish off:

If you have been using a gamepad with LFS with full .90 analogue steer smooth with LFS the new patch X being released has somehow lowered steer smooth and sees for some very twitchy steering movements(the same as lowering steer smoth to .7, .6 etc), but if you have already been using any other setting below .90 you should see no difference in driving.


Tbh JasonJ how on earth do you do it? When(I have found) moving the wheel in sweeping manouvers with full .90 the margin for error in over steer is very small, but with any other setting below it it way to easy to go mad on oversteer , dont care no more I want to get more involved in this sim and you cant be taken seriously on track as a gamepad user as a gamepad is not well suited to a serious driving sim...maybe NFS or Gran Turismo its fine, but not with LFS.

Good luck to all ya mad twitchy drivers, if I see ya on track I shall call you what I got called for over a year on demo before I realised how to set up a pad properly Kinder-Surprise!!! LMAO! Left, no Right, no Left no, no SmAck!!!
ah ha! I've been wondering why i've been so clumsy in the twitchy cars! Raced an LX6 earlier tonight and it was impossible.. i've probably been racing with smooth steer on 0.5 for weeks! I set it to 0.8 (in w34) and it's heaps more controllable now.

Quote from CSU1 :...Tbh JasonJ how on earth do you do it? When(I have found) moving the wheel in sweeping manouvers with full .90 the margin for error in over steer is very small, but with any other setting below it it way to easy to go mad on oversteer ...

Well I just find 0.9 too sluggish. I end up wandering all over the place. If I over correct it takes too much juggling to re-correct and I end up chasing a string of overcorrections till I eventually punch a wall.

I seem to be only able to play with a Stick if the wheels point exactly where my stick points at exactly the same time I point it there. When I actually race, I seldom move the stick more than 3mm. But if I get into trouble, I need that instant respose to 'right' the car again.

And after a few more goes at w32, I do notice it is slightly more touchy. Even 0.9 smooth seems better (worse for you :] ) but its still too sluggish at turning for me to use it.

I sold all my copies of NFS to buy S2.
#17 - CSU1
Quote from JasonJ :I seem to be only able to play with a Stick if the wheels point exactly where my stick points at exactly the same time I point it there. When I actually race, I seldom move the stick more than 3mm

you seldom move the stick more than 3 millimeters! What!...that can't be right!
You need to use all of the axis at all times winding on and off steering lock using the whole of the stick, rather than just the first millimeter or so.

I forgot to mention I also use the yellow line "noob line" as a visual key, and also sit a bit lower in my seat than normal.

The effect that analogue steer smooth gave me pre-test patch W21 was at the beggining and the end of each direction-left and right on the x axis smoothing the end zones.
You said this feels a bit sluggish to use, but in my opinnion it's much more comfortable to use the visual key and wind on and off the lock.

To have; as you said the wheels point exactly where my stick points at exactly the same timeis not accurate enough imo, because in a sweeping left to right manouver the steering wheels take this "un-smoothed" raw input and throw the steering wheels in that direction, and furthermore imposible to hold the lock there if you're only using 3mm of the stick!

I'm not sure weather it is correct to describe the amount of travel on the x axis on a gamepad in degrees/rotation as its not a wheel, so lets just referre to them as zones.
Using only a small portion of the zone to steer is not right, you need to use all of the zone, if you don't, potential manual input has been lost. I just think it makes sense to wind on and off lock rather having the wheels orientaion directly relate to the postion on the gamepad stick.

In the .cfg file theres the option to limit the turn on the in-game wheel and the amount of stering input the car receives depending how fast the car is travelling m/s, I don't know why, but I assume it's to mess with your head while driving

I think it might make more sense to not limit the lock, but to simply have the option to set analogue steer smooth amount in m/s.
Well errr... eep, you asked me how I managed to drive using something less than 0.9 Smooth. So I just explained it. Everyone's different and I can understand why you use smooth 0.9, for more realism right?
Quote from CSU1 :..I just think it makes sense to wind on and off lock rather having the wheels orientaion directly relate to the postion on the gamepad stick..

Unfortunately when I use this slow wind technique, it feels like I'm back on keyboard. I still have full lock available, don't get me wrong sometimes I use it. Just alot of the time, full lock isn't required, during passing and shallow corners I only use the centre 1/3 area of the stick.

But I suppose some would consider it cheating beacause I can go from lock to lock much faster than anyone with a wheel.

CSU1: Have you sorted out your issues with W21+ steering?
#19 - CSU1
LFS is the perfect example of how to implement steering via gamepad.

Playstations' F1 games are the perfect example of how NOT to do it. I shelved my 06 copy after 2 days of frustration, and 07 is the same (though I didnt' buy it of course). The reason being is because you simply cannot steer fast! If I steer left, the game responds by SLOWLY turning the wheel to where I wanted it. It's so bad that I have to anticipate where I want to steer a full second before I arrive there. Hopeless.
I tried a Gamepad I bought from GAME but that seems way to sensitive for me. I'll give it another go, but like JasonJ, the stick movement is too quick to drive properly i.e. in a straight line, hence I stuck with the mouse and kb inputs.
Bit of a late reply, but with the ltest patch i too have noticed my anolog stick on my logitech dual action pad is alot more sensative. I noticed the patch had reset some of my options but still my sticks were still sensative with my old settings. I also always had anolog smooth steer on maximum (0.90) maybe in the next patch lenthen this figure. i dont ride much on s2 but xfg on blackwood so i can cope for now. If anyone one firgures out how to lower the sensativity more please post
Still in Patch X ... if this gets much worse i'll have to use the keyboard I use a cheap pad purchased from GAME.
#24 - CSU1
Quote from duke_toaster :Still in Patch X ... if this gets much worse i'll have to use the keyboard I use a cheap pad purchased from GAME.

Noone seems to give a shite wheather gamepads are supprtted or not dukey boy, I guess they're probably right

Try reducing the steering lock (in the pits setup menu) to spread the stick movement over fewer steering degrees, e.g. from 30 to 20 or from 20 to 15, depending on the car.

You rarely, if ever, use full lock while racing.

This will result in 'slower' steering.

It's not a fix for the increased sensitivity, but it should help to compensate and maybe get you back where you were before.

I use an XBox 360 pad b.t.w.