I have just downloaded new drivers 94.24 from NVIDIA for Windows XP/2000 and I noticed FPS increase in LFS like 10-20 percent.To be honest I was suprised seeing that.
Geeting for exaple from wheel view without mirrors and in single player 200-300FPS on Aston track and 200-340
on Westhill. Resoltuion 1024*768,4xAA + 16AF.Same results at 1280*1024 but its CRT and I dont want my eyes to suffer at 60Hz.
I have just downloaded new drivers 94.24 from NVIDIA for Windows XP/2000 and I noticed FPS increase in LFS like 10-20 percent.To be honest I was suprised seeing that.
Geeting for exaple from wheel view without mirrors and in single player 200-300FPS on Aston track and 200-340