The online racing simulator
TEST Patch W48
(239 posts, started )
not sure if this is caused by patch W42, but I have just purchased my S2 license, however I can not unlock my copy.

I claims "unknown command" after I enter my details and request "unlock"
Few things that could use some retouch with the increased grid sizes (now when you sorted the queuing )
- Chat log gets out of the screen way too quick to follow sometimes, especially while voting. Scrollable log or separate system messages could solve this?
- Position list gets tall and tiny to read. Maybe add an option for more compact list that shows only few cars front/back and a key that could show the full list if you really want to, or a key that would hide the current list when you like to?
- Show connection count in the "N-list",,maybe on track and connected in different columns. Would be great to know how many racers you have on the server inside the server without having to count every single name on a list that keeps changing more often than ever before.
- Devcoys to keep people cool and clean :P
Quote from Lucretian :not sure if this is caused by patch W42, but I have just purchased my S2 license, however I can not unlock my copy.

I claims "unknown command" after I enter my details and request "unlock"

Thanks, I just forgot to put the new exe on the master server. It should work now.
Quote from Scawen :Thanks, I just forgot to put the new exe on the master server. It should work now.

That needs to go in to a FAQ or something.
Quote from Chaos :and one more thing> there are 2 czech language versions in LFS> one without special czech letters and one with them... cestina.txt is the one without those special characters and should be deleted...

I can't see Cestina.txt in full version W or the patch. I think that is just sitting in your LFS data\language folder, you'll need to manually delete it.
Quote from Scawen :
Quicker skin messages after running out of LFS World skin credit

People run out of credit?!
Hi Scawen.
I (think I) have found a bug regarding false starts.

I start as soon as the red light comes on, which gives me a 45 seconds penalty. Fine enough. But what happens next is what I think is a bug.
I then continue my race around the track and drive through the pits, exceeding the speed limit with more that 60 km/h (140+ km/h alltogether).

But what seems strange is that I don't get the usual penalty for speeding in the pits.

Isn't the two penalties (for the false start and speeding) supposed to be counted together?

I'm able to reproduce it every time, no matter what the settings are.
#34 - ste_
I was waiting happily on the grid for the green light when the person behind me did a false start and drove into the back of me, causing me to also do a false start.

I attach the replay, which is a little odd as you can see the person behind me get removed from the track after driving off before the lights were green, but then suddenly I'm shunted forward by nothingness. Is this lag or something?

I start 2nd on grid.
Attached files
2515125.mpr - 263 KB - 272 views
Quote from DanneDA :Is there anything that can be done with the positions list at race start? On WE1R the first 3 cars on grid are at the bottom of the list.

Seen this in W41 and W42, others also reported this in W42.

See earlier post:

A replay of W42 is attached

No, nothing can be done, the finish line at WE1R is a few cars back - it's not a program bug.

This was reported yesterday and Eric has now fixed it in his copy of Westhill.
Im still having a message Don't send , when i want connect. I got this problem from w38-w42.
Quali start bug
I've clocked that if you can start moving before the green light in quali with impunity. Also, if you do this and are travelling at over 80kph in the pits when the light goes green you won't get a drivethrough. But if you exceed 100kph whilst in the timed zone you given a stop go (tested on FE Green Rev with FZ5)

Any car, any track ...
Attached files
quali bug.spr - 7.3 KB - 262 views
Quote from Scawen :I can't see Cestina.txt in full version W or the patch. I think that is just sitting in your LFS data\language folder, you'll need to manually delete it.

ahh, sorry... I'm just too long with LFS and so are the other Czech people I asked wheter they have both versions
Quote from Scawen :
FIX : Start lights delay did not vary each race if wind was disabled

There is still a problem with the "random delay". If you start counting as soon as you see the lights (NOT the first red, but the grey box) it's always the same time until the green light goes on.

Example: (5 or 6 seconds depending how fast you count ^^)

The time between showing the first box and the green light is 6 seconds.

Now the red lights take ~2 seconds.

Makes 4 seconds which are randomly split into the timespan between showing the box and the first red light, and between the last red light and the green one.
Just had some awesome races on WE1R, with no stability and usability issues so far. I guess we're finally coming there...
Just had a couple good races on test servers! No stability issues so far...
#42 - Davo
Had some very weird stutering going on that I can't reproduce. It occurred when the race restarting count down was on screen. Only happend twice though and hasn't repeated since. Otherwise all is good.
Quote from duke_toaster :I've clocked that if you can start moving before the green light in quali with impunity. Also, if you do this and are travelling at over 80kph in the pits when the light goes green you won't get a drivethrough. But if you exceed 100kph whilst in the timed zone you given a stop go (tested on FE Green Rev with FZ5)

Any car, any track ...
OK, this needs fixing this evening :

If a host exits back to entry screen, no-one can join it.

There is a JOOS - MPSys at that point (I already know why)
#45 - DeKo
was on the bug test server last night, something really weird happened with the start. I dont quite know what, but it either looks like 2 people spawned on the same spot, or somebody went forward very fast straight away and got spawned on top of, i cant tell from the replay. If its the driving forward then it isnt a bug, but i just need somebody else to see what it is, and maybe help if its a bug or not. might aswell post it anyway, if it actually is a bug.
Attached files
started on the same place.mpr - 50 KB - 266 views
Quote from Davo :Had some very weird stutering going on that I can't reproduce. It occurred when the race restarting count down was on screen. Only happend twice though and hasn't repeated since. Otherwise all is good.

Now that you mention it, it also occured to me, but the stuttering was barely noticeable, only half a second or so.
In joining a server and after download of the skins it seems i get an error.
Maybe it takes too long too get the skins? Its unexpected packetlength.

Dont have many servers to test and the skins are downloaded so the second time i dont have the problem, therefore i dont know if its a reoccuring problem.
Quote from Davo :Had some very weird stutering going on that I can't reproduce. It occurred when the race restarting count down was on screen. Only happend twice though and hasn't repeated since. Otherwise all is good.

That's because LFS applies all the downloaded skins (and skins you already have of the people who joined the track) during your driving at that time before restart and not while you are moving.
Quote from Scawen :No, nothing can be done, the finish line at WE1R is a few cars back - it's not a program bug.

This was reported yesterday and Eric has now fixed it in his copy of Westhill.

Ok, thanks.
One little thing in the docs:

struct IS_NLP // Node and Lap Packet - variable size
byte Size; // 4 + NumP * 6 (PLUS 2 if needed to make it a multiple of 4)
byte Type; // ISP_NLP
byte ReqI; // 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_NLP request
byte NumP; // number of players in race

NodeLap Info[32]; // node and lap of each player, 1 to 32 of these (NumP)

Wouldn't be Info[NumP] a little bit clearer? At the first look it seems to be fixed length. The same in IS_MCI with Info[8].

TEST Patch W48
(239 posts, started )