Actually... waiting for technology to solve the problem means it won't be solved. It'll arrive one day, but probably too late. The most gains are going to be achieve by ordinary people like you, being more efficient in your power use. That means, changing globes over to low energy ones (in my house, if I put on every light in the house, with ordinary 75W globes, I use 1200watts, but I changed over to low energy 8W globes and now total usage is only 128 watts and the globes give off the same light as a normal globe. Turn of lights when u leave the room, and turn off stuff on standby... so you have to walk up to it to turn it on... it'll still remember ur stuff... little things like that.. help alot...if we all did it.
If you don't believe in greenhouse, and alot of silly ppl with their heads in the sand who like to believe consipiracies... then I guess you'll find out too late when the shit hits the fan.
Venus - there's another thing... (n why i have this name), the planet Venus is a run away greenhouse effect... closest thing to hell in the solar system... almost seems like it was put there as a warning sometimes.