The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Quote from RalliArtRacer :ok so LFS Lapper is great i really like it. how ever the drift PB is giving me issues as in not working i will admitt i have no idea of wtf i am doing in this area of insims so any help on how to set the drift pb up would be great


What exactly is the problem?
Configuring Lapper isn't that hard to do and in most cases of failure, the problem is realy easy to fix.
Quote from RalliArtRacer :its hard to explain thats my point.. its working all except fro driftPB
its not self creating 1 liek as from what i read in the notepads it came with that it shoudl do if 1 does not exsist.. i created one on my own to see if it would read it and still nothing.. basicly i dont knwo if maybe i have it in the wrong folder or what if some1 could help by shoowing what there driftPB looks like or explain how they had to set it up that would help

DriftPB.txt should be created if the file doesn't exist.
The only thing you have to make sure of is the rights to read and write files in the bin-directory of your Lapper.
I've included my Lapper 5.52 config-file which creates a DriftPB.txt but doesn't do anything else related to drifting since we are not using that on our servers.
Just remove .txt from the file name to be able to use it on your server.
I removed our passwords PubstatID etc. for obvious reasons
Attached files
LFSLapper.cfg.txt - 34.7 KB - 304 views
Quote from RalliArtRacer :or maybe its just my computer.. it now allows !DRF to show but still does not write a DRIFTPB or give me a drift score... still thanks for the help you gave me.. might just not be # This is filepath of file containing collected data.
# Will be created if it doesnt exist yet.
# You must ensure read/write access to this path.

seeign the read/write access... who knows for the most part the program does more than not having the program so im still happy with it

So it isn't working fully now? That's a shame.
Please upload your config-file (and mention you version number of Lapper) and I'll make a test-server to see what's the problem.
Quote from RalliArtRacer :LFSLapper V5.52 / its works non the less then it did be4 its still the same problem of the driftPB and everything to do with the drift setting.. but i renamed it LFSLappertxt and saved it in .txt to upload it here since i noticed u cant upload configs

Thanks for the upload and I think (hope) I've found the problem. By default, DriftPB.txt is written in the CFG-folder instead of the BIN-folder. This is configured in NETStartDefault.bat which can be found in the BIN-folder. I always edit that file and replace CFG with BIN so the LFSLapper.cfg which is in the BIN-folder is used when starting Lapper and the PB.txt and DriftPB.txt are written in that folder too. When you don't change that, everything used and written from/in your CFG-folder. Futher I've enabled several 'display Driftscore' option, fired up a test-server and tested serveral laps on KY1 with the FO8. Everything is working just fine and I hope that will be the same for you. I've uploaded the LFSLapper.cfg and NETStartDefault.bat used when testing. Just remove .txt at the end of the filenames and save them in the BIN-folder of your Lapper-directory. Edit the LFSLapper.cfg file to enter your admin-password and you should be ready to go.
Attached files
LFSLapper.cfg.txt - 33 KB - 305 views
NETStartDefault.bat.txt - 41 B - 306 views
Editing the PB.txt file
Hi guys,

I now have a huge PB.txt file for one of the demo servers.

I would like to remove all times that are above a certain time to reduce the file size.

I understand that I can open it in a text editor, but doing the above manually (and regularly) will take hours.

Is there any software out there that will allow me to do this quickly ?

I have searched the forum for a while, but cant find anything.

I have msExcel or msAccess, if its possible to import and edit the file in these programmes ?

I feel sure someone has had to do this in the past.

Many thanks

Quote from RalliArtRacer ::doh: i think i have figured out what it was.... your help was put simply.. BUT appearntly.. the wife didnt know wtf she was doing to take the .txt off of the file.. which would explain it still not working:| (women) figures.. ok so i ask when it comes to taking the .txt off of those how do i go about doing that.. its been that simple.. (sleeps on couch tonight)

this should fix everything.. and then i can stop bugging this

Never mind, I've seen everything in my work at the helpdesk of our hospital
Just save the file in your BIN-folder, then select the file with your mouse (the name will be colored blue (only when using XP-default theme)) after that hit F2 to edit the name and remove .txt at the end. The name should now be LFSLapper.cfg , confirm this by hitting enter and ignore the warning given by Windows. You should be ready to go now
Quote from RalliArtRacer :yup thats the same thing she did.. still leaves it as a .txt file.. when it needs to be a .cfg file.. as i tested it to see if it worked and still nothing.. is there a chance maybe up just zippin the 2 of the up the cfg file and .bat file into a folder and makin it where i can get that from you then i can just unzip and place them in my bin? (of course without anything liek ur passwords and what not)

There you go
Attached files - 8.2 KB - 435 views
Quote from ClioTrophy182 :Just to confirm that your method works great, I linked 3 LFS server together on one box and they syncronised perfectly.

Thanks for all you help


Any chance of uploading the relevant parts of the *.cfg files so I can see how you cross-linked three? I have three servers running as well, but can cross sync 2 of them, but only half sync the third (one way only)
Dear Gai & other helpers

We have some "strange" Probs with Lapper v.5.52 at our two Server's

If Lapper is started we get some large "lags" sometimes up to 1min..
sometimes once an hour and other times...3-4 times an hour..

If Lapper is stopped, our Servers works very fine.

The Event-Logs looks good, no problems there, also the Net-Traffic..

Have someone an idea to fix ?

Big thx 4 reading

p.s. sry, for my bad english
Quote from guzzi97 :Dear Gai & other helpers

We have some "strange" Probs with Lapper v.5.52 at our two Server's

If Lapper is started we get some large "lags" sometimes up to 1min..
sometimes once an hour and other times...3-4 times an hour..

If Lapper is stopped, our Servers works very fine.

The Event-Logs looks good, no problems there, also the Net-Traffic..

Have someone an idea to fix ?

Big thx 4 reading

p.s. sry, for my bad english

I'm running two servers with lapper installed and noticed the same thing. A couple of lag moments and then everything running smoothly again. At first I tought it has something to do with the auto-sheduled messages but disabling them, doesn't solve the problem. I didn't had this in earlier versions of Lapper but it occured in the last two versions.

Try to turn off

EnableRegisterWeb = true;
EnableRegisterWeb = false;


I haven't this issue

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello

Try to turn off

EnableRegisterWeb = true;
EnableRegisterWeb = false;


I haven't this issue


Will try that and let you know if things has improved after that.
I'm sure we will be able to sort this out Gai.
Besides this small problem, it's a great programm.

Gai have you seen this post:

I tried to use these commands last weekend and it just isn't working. Hopefully you can clear things up
Hi Gai,
thx..we will try too...

btw..great Tool, that we are using since the first version
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello

Try to turn off

EnableRegisterWeb = true;
EnableRegisterWeb = false;


I haven't this issue


We've tested this in a 3 hour endurance race yesterday and with that function turned off, the lag is gone. So there must be some problem with it.
hi dudes,

first of all sry for my terrible englisch!
since yesterday i have some probs with lfslapper ver 5.5.1
if u r standing in pit or standing on track the prog always displays 0,1 sec to 100km/h till you have reached 100 km/h. if you slow down again it starts again displaying 0,1sec... like this

0,1 sec ...
0,1 sec ...
0,1 sec ...
0,1 sec ...
0,1 sec ...
0,1 sec ...
0,1 sec ...
0,1 sec ...
0,1 sec ...
0,1 sec ...
0,1 sec ...

hope u can help

mfg madmech
Quote :We've tested this in a 3 hour endurance race yesterday and with that function turned off, the lag is gone. So there must be some problem with it.

Many thanks Yisc for testing, will go and update our servers now.

Thanks also Gai.

Hope this sorts this bug.

Best all, great work..


New version for Lapper -> 5.54
Maybe registration now work!?

Quote :
|Changes from v5.53 to 5.54 |
1. Add ability to select multi car in DefaultTopCar
you can specify one or more car with "+" between car
Ex : DefaultTopCar=XFG+XRG

TBO - same as XRT+RB4+FXO
LRF - same as LX6+RAC+FZ5
GTR - same as FXR+XRR+FZR

2. You can use multi car in !top, !near, !topqual, !nearqual

3. You can specify witch car is used by a user in QualUsers adding car after username separated by :
Example : Gai-Luron:XFR,lagamel:UFR
work also in qualusers file.
Don't forget to set DefaultTopCar in accordance with all car used in qualify session

4. Fix Bug on dstats

|Changes from v5.52 to 5.53 |
1. Fix Bug with mono and http connection

Installed the new version and tested the server for serveral hours with around 10 people online, no lag at all. So problem should be solved. Thanks for the quick update Gai.

I tried to run the lapper and run a server. In previous versions it worked, but not now anymore.

The problem I'm experiencing is that the Friendly positions don't work anymore. If you got a new PB, it says Friendly Position: 0/0. But the times get registered in the top list.

I tried to put multiple defaultcars, none, and all defaultcars but nothing worked...

Quote from Silox :Hello,

I tried to run the lapper and run a server. In previous versions it worked, but not now anymore.

The problem I'm experiencing is that the Friendly positions don't work anymore. If you got a new PB, it says Friendly Position: 0/0. But the times get registered in the top list.

I tried to put multiple defaultcars, none, and all defaultcars but nothing worked...


Please upload your config-file and I'll look into it.
how to make custom commands?
Quote from master_lfs.5101 :how to make custom commands?

You have to open your LFSLapper.cfg with somekind of editor (Notepad, Wordpad, Word etc.) and manually add some commands under auto-actions. Remember that every command should start with ! followed by the command itself, then a | and then the action you want.


!hello|/message hello;

If your command is the last of that section, it have to end with an ; otherwise it have to end with |
Quote from Yisc[NL] :You have to open your LFSLapper.cfg with somekind of editor (Notepad, Wordpad, Word etc.) and manually add some commands under auto-actions. Remember that every command should start with ! followed by the command itself, then a | and then the action you want.


!hello|/message hello;

If your command is the last of that section, it have to end with an ; otherwise it have to end with |

hi, there is new Y18 patch with usernames authentification also in demo. anyone success with commands depend on usernames or it is not possible in actual version of lapper?
Quote from [d9] :hi, there is new Y18 patch with usernames authentification also in demo. anyone success with commands depend on usernames or it is not possible in actual version of lapper?

This works superb for S2-usernames and should now also work with demo-users.
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )