The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Quote from wild :I have a weird problem with LFS Lapper on my VPS. It seems to connect then gives an error message. I have supplied an image with LFS Lapper and a Dedicated Server running to show you what is happening with it.

When I use the exactly same settings just a different IP address on my Desktop or laptop they seem to work fine. If anyone else has experienced this problem please could you tell me if you managed to fix it?


Could be a problem with memory allocation or something with network/firewall or so. Hard to tell from this side. If you know your Lapperscript is working flawless (this can be checked by making a local server and connecting Lapper to it and run some test races/qualify etc.) you know for sure it has something to do with VPS instead of Lapper.
Patch to get the plate and correct player info for bots
Hi all!

I've been fiddling with the Lapper code to find out why it doesn't show the nicknames of the AIs (bots) instead of the player to which they belong, or why it doesn't have any variable to sort out bots and real players. It renders the whole pit information and split information useless, because you get a bunch of messages of your AIs and of you, all with the same username-nickname.

The problem is that the code does not represent the 1..n relationship between users and players, so when I ask for information of a player, I get information of the associated user.

The correct solution (renaming infoPlayer to infoUser, creating the real infoPlayer, and storing all the information and links) is something that requires time, and I have cooked a quick'n'dirty patch to store the player information at NPL (new player) events, and then, when retrieving the (user) information by PLID, stuff that NPL data in a variable of the infoPlayer object.

With this patch, you get the correct value with $Nickname and also you get the plate with $Plate.

I am planning to implement this correctly, I'd like to know if you are already working on this issue, Gai-Luron...

Saludos from Spain! Ignacio Calvo
Attached files
patch1.txt - 3.7 KB - 277 views
Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Small Question to the Pitboard:

We were racing with 3 people today on AS2. All had the pitboard configured, but what the lapper showed to the people was different:

So if racer A had a good split or a good lap, it displayed it in the pitboard of Racer A (self). Racer B hadnt seen anything while Racer C had the message on the upper left (like as normal).

This happens in Qualify and in racing. But in racing it showed the fastest lap as normal (i guess because it comes from LFS itself and not from the lapper).

So, any help on this ? I would like the lapper infos to show to all people.

Cheers and thx in advance


Pushing that on top, just to ask if that has known reasons ?

Quote from Mandel :Hi all!

I've been fiddling with the Lapper code to find out why it doesn't show the nicknames of the AIs (bots) instead of the player to which they belong, or why it doesn't have any variable to sort out bots and real players. It renders the whole pit information and split information useless, because you get a bunch of messages of your AIs and of you, all with the same username-nickname.

The problem is that the code does not represent the 1..n relationship between users and players, so when I ask for information of a player, I get information of the associated user.

The correct solution (renaming infoPlayer to infoUser, creating the real infoPlayer, and storing all the information and links) is something that requires time, and I have cooked a quick'n'dirty patch to store the player information at NPL (new player) events, and then, when retrieving the (user) information by PLID, stuff that NPL data in a variable of the infoPlayer object.

With this patch, you get the correct value with $Nickname and also you get the plate with $Plate.

I am planning to implement this correctly, I'd like to know if you are already working on this issue, Gai-Luron...

Saludos from Spain! Ignacio Calvo


For now i work on ... nothing, because i manage the Open Race Trophy. You can made change if you want. I never implement this functionnality because i don't understand why guys want using Lapper with AI. But if you want do it, you can

Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Small Question to the Pitboard:

We were racing with 3 people today on AS2. All had the pitboard configured, but what the lapper showed to the people was different:

So if racer A had a good split or a good lap, it displayed it in the pitboard of Racer A (self). Racer B hadnt seen anything while Racer C had the message on the upper left (like as normal).

This happens in Qualify and in racing. But in racing it showed the fastest lap as normal (i guess because it comes from LFS itself and not from the lapper).

So, any help on this ? I would like the lapper infos to show to all people.

Cheers and thx in advance


I haven't seen this myself or heard it from other people so far. We have done many races with the pitboard so far and nobody mentioned it. Maybe there's a small error in your config-script. I'll ask around on two other forums to see if other people noticed this 'bug'.
I was too early with my conclusion. I've looked into the code of the pitboard and there was a bug in it. I've missed a couple of settings in the great/good split section when I added the 2 split option into the pitboard code. So here is the corrected code for Pitboard V1.32
Attached files
Pitboard_v132.txt - 31.1 KB - 286 views
Cool, thx Yisc!

So i just have to replace the

" Actions to do on splits relative to trackinfo.cfg"


Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Cool, thx Yisc!

So i just have to replace the

" Actions to do on splits relative to trackinfo.cfg"



Yes, that's the part that's fixed.
Further I changed version number on 3 places and made a new text for what has been fixed.
Would it be possible to make a txt file with just the changes rather than a new complete full file?

Just a thought ...
Quote from StableX :Would it be possible to make a txt file with just the changes rather than a new complete full file?

Just a thought ...

There you go.
I left some comment lines in the text file so you know where to look
Attached files
Pitboard_v132b.txt - 8.3 KB - 254 views
that change made it very easy indeed.... brilliant job ty
Am currently running lapper version on a XP64 system.
Is there any new 64bits release of lapper available ?
Still have the problem that the informations (as showed on the screen) isn't displayed (in the upper left of the screen).

Afaik they were shown up in the other Pitboard versions.


Attached images
Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Still have the problem that the informations (as showed on the screen) isn't displayed (in the upper left of the screen).

Afaik they were shown up in the other Pitboard versions.



Let's get this straight. You mean the messages for good/great lap? In that case when you are using the pitboard, they are shown on the last line of the pitboard for about 10 seconds (or until the next person drives a good/great split/lap). If you switch the pitboard off in the configuration screen, those messages are shown in the upper left corner of the screen.
I think he is meaning the same as I was going to post about.....

When running pitboard, during a race when you go over the start/finish line, you don't get to see the race positions come up in the top right any more.
i have a problem.
i use lfs lapper version 5.714.

my driftpoints doesnt work ingame, but if i go to the driftPB.txt than can i see my last driftscore but i dont see that ingame.

what's the problem.
Quote from Bass-Driver :hi
i have a problem.
i use lfs lapper version 5.714.

my driftpoints doesnt work ingame, but if i go to the driftPB.txt than can i see my last driftscore but i dont see that ingame.

what's the problem.

Sounds like you have it set in the LFSlapper.lpr not to show the drift scores but still to save it to the txt file.
what i need to change in lapper.lpr??
Quote from Bass-Driver :hi
i have a problem.
i use lfs lapper version 5.714.

my driftpoints doesnt work ingame, but if i go to the driftPB.txt than can i see my last driftscore but i dont see that ingame.

what's the problem.


Show your lapper config so we can look at it.
Quote from StableX :I think he is meaning the same as I was going to post about.....

When running pitboard, during a race when you go over the start/finish line, you don't get to see the race positions come up in the top right any more.

I can't imagine that's because of the Pitboard. Yesterday evening I had five packed servers with public racing and 3 league events and nothing is mentioned about that. I have very good contact with both the members of R-R (which I am a teammember of) and Absolute-beginners and when they find such a big problem, they will contact me immediatly.

Don't take this the wrong way, you guys know I try to help everyone as good as possible, but too many people are playing with the options in Lapper with (almost) no idea what they are doing. Lapper is a great program but the config-file is complex and manyh things have an effect on other things. Therefor some general advise, start with a clean config-file, make some modifications to it, start a local LFS-server and connect Lapper to it, do some practise/race etc. to see if Lapper keeps running and that it doesn't give errors on the console. Everything ok? make some more changes and then test again. That's the way I'm building extra options into Lapper and catch most of the bugs before the script goes live.
Quote from Bass-Driver :Here's my lfs lapper.lpr

It should be working (can't test it now on live server , im still working now) .
Only in the drift option part you can remove the /* and */ to show if someone makes a new Drift PB.

Every part in the config file between /* and */ will not work

Type !drf to show the Drift score


Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/rcm " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^1" . $DriftScore . " ^7pts!" );
cmdLFS( "/rcm_all" );
Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^1" . $DriftScore . " ^7pts!" );

PS change your pasword of your server and if show any config files on the forum remove your passwords and $PubStatIdk
thx i works now
yes i was forgot it
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Let's get this straight. You mean the messages for good/great lap? In that case when you are using the pitboard, they are shown on the last line of the pitboard for about 10 seconds (or until the next person drives a good/great split/lap). If you switch the pitboard off in the configuration screen, those messages are shown in the upper left corner of the screen.

Yupp, thats exact the way it works. But i have in mind, that these messages shown in the pitboard, were shown to others either in the last versions of the Pitboard.

But maybe i am wrong.

And don't get me wrong, i love your work.

Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Yupp, thats exact the way it works. But i have in mind, that these messages shown in the pitboard, were shown to others either in the last versions of the Pitboard.

But maybe i am wrong.

And don't get me wrong, i love your work.


No you aren't wrong. Good/great split/lap messages are shown on everyones pitboard unless they have switched it off, then it's shown as normal chatmessage. Ow wait a second.......I'm going to check the source code again...............

Man, I feel like a donkey at the moment. I've found 'the problem'. In the beginning great/good split/lap was displayed as GlobalButton since players didn't have the option to switch the Pitboard off or set it to the right of the screen. When I added those options, I've changed GlobalButton to PrivButton because those buttons could be displayed in the middle of nowhere. So now you only see you own great/good lap and not the ones of the other drivers. I will think of a way to change this back but that won't be easy if it's possible at all.
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )