The online racing simulator
#1 - g7usl
Disconnection due to lack of mouse control
I am suffering disconnections from the internet because of not using the 'mouse'.

Anyone know how to overcome this please?
Suggestions to move the mouse not welcomed.
does the mouse move internet packets or something? Maybe you wanna invest into a pigeon.

[sarcasm off]

could you rephrase your post
Quote from g7usl :I am suffering disconnections from the internet because of not using the 'mouse'.

Anyone know how to overcome this please?
Suggestions to move the mouse not welcomed.


I take it you mean in general computer use, and not (just) LFS?, how do you connect to the internet?, and do you have any screensaver or power saving options turned on?
#4 - g7usl
Hi Dan,

No power saving or screensaver. It happens during flight simming too on-line.

I have a 1mb speed connection.
Do you connect via a router or usb modem?