The online racing simulator
Spec racing? Starting with XRG, XRT
I don't like bothering with different setups for tracks. I've been running the same, easy/fun to drive, fast enough, setup on multiple tracks for a long time.

I've got a server up right now called "Spec XRG", and would like to know if anyone would be interested in a spec setup race group. We would all use the same basic setup for all tracks. The only things a driver would be allowed to change:

steering lock
max brake pressure
tire pressures

I also wouldn't mind some feedback on the setup. We can try the XRT setup as well. Come join! If I get any interest, I would be willing to set up a more permanent server, and a website to track results and talk about rules.
There is a problem with your server. I can't connect to it. I don't see it in the server list in LFS. I see it in LFSW, but when I try to connect nothing happens. I think there is too much delay or lag, which is a little strange since you're on my side of the ocean!
Hmm... that really sucks. Sorry about that! I'll try again tomorrow night.
I do like the idea.

I've occasionally suggested (over the 4 years or so I've been playing LFS) that the devs should include a server-side option for a fixed setup, to be imposed on all drivers on the server. NR2003 had this option and it produced some of the best races I ever had with that game.
I love this idea..I'll get on there!
I like this idea too. But how do you want to examine if someone has the stock set?
this would be very good, especially coupled with fixed interior viewand shift + f mode enabled. This would really add to the realism
I'll have it back up tonight by 7PM (U.S., eastern standard time). I've had people connect to me before when I had it just like it was last night... I'll have to test further.

Anyway, as far as checking the setup goes, obviously there's no 100% way to do it at this point. Oh well. If we were having a serious race, I (or whatever admin) could randomly check setups after each race. If I understand correctly, as long as someone doesn't pit, if they send their setup to someone to check, then it'd be tough to cheat that. And if it was just casual racing, then we'll just make it a rule that if any other racer wants to check your setup, then you send it to him after finishing, without pitting first, no questions asked. You pit first, we'll boot you.

Hey, there's no way to 100% enforce "spec" rules in a real race series either, I'll just have to do my best!

As far as forcing a veiw, or anything else, I'm not a big fan. You race how you want to race, whatever driver aid you need, I don't care. For these slower cars, it's just not an issue IMHO.
#9 - cwmax
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I do like the idea.

I've occasionally suggested (over the 4 years or so I've been playing LFS) that the devs should include a server-side option for a fixed setup, to be imposed on all drivers on the server. NR2003 had this option and it produced some of the best races I ever had with that game.

DWB knows We've done this running FOX on the oval for some great racing. The server-side option for a fixed setup would be the way to enforce the setups, if it would / could ever be implemented. With the only options to adjust are steering, brake force and fuel load.

I'll be there tonight.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I do like the idea.

I've occasionally suggested (over the 4 years or so I've been playing LFS) that the devs should include a server-side option for a fixed setup, to be imposed on all drivers on the server. NR2003 had this option and it produced some of the best races I ever had with that game.

This is something I've wanted (and put in the suggestions forum) for a long time also. When I race with friends we all just use the same setup anyway. It would be nice to be able to do the same thing, but with more people. Working on setups is my least favorite part of racing, so anything that would let people jump into a race and have a competitive car would be a big plus in my book.
I'll be there tonight prior to the LOTA pickup races.
Quote :I do like the idea.

Me too, I feel bad about asking for setups but I really haven't a clue how to make my own, and I'm not really consistent enough to use alot of the twitchy WR setups on Inferno.

I'd therefore be very happy with a fixed setup server, even if just to prove that I'm genuinely slow and it's not just my setup

I also like the idea of fixed cockpit view and dials etc., as well as forcing no auto-clutch and blip and other realistic constraints. Would this be a bit elitist by restricting servers to G25/other pedal users though?
If I recall correctly, Land Of The Free Racing had a summer series in which they had fixed setups in a few of the races, which were very good races.

And yes Bones and CW, those FOX-Oval races using the Race-S setup with no wing were fantastic! Everyone on even keel relative to setup meant it was all about driver skill.

+1 on the server side setup deal. (Yes, I know, it should be in the improvements suggestion section, but +1 from me anyway. )
For those interested in running a competitive series with an enforced single-setup, it is possible(but not really logical) currently:
1) distribute setup, and race
2) post race, Without Pitting, all racers must Send Setup to Organizer, who saves the setups by driver name.
3) any invalid setup or pitstop after the race leads to driver disqualification.

Like I said, its not practical, but it IS possible to run a Competitive (not based on trust) series using a single setup. I'd love to see a server-side option for distrubuting setups and/or ballasts as well.
Server is up, called "Spec XRG & XRT". Come try!

Quote from morcs :I also like the idea of fixed cockpit view and dials etc., as well as forcing no auto-clutch and blip and other realistic constraints. Would this be a bit elitist by restricting servers to G25/other pedal users though?

Hey, a lot of people, myself included, don't even use a wheel! If at all possible, I want anyone to feel welcome.
Well, we had a few takers tonight and some terribly close races!

I'll be back up friday night for a bit at well, I'm working on a permanent server.

Here's the two setups, they're based off the race 1 setups and are softer than some people like, but they're easy to drive, easy on tires, less drama on the curbing. Change the steering lock to something you like, as I use a much lower setting than most people!

Right click and save, change the file type to .set when you save and it should work (sorry for the crappy file host): ... GT%20TURBO_Spec%20XRT.set ... ed/XR%20GT_Spec%20XRG.set
#17 - neRu
When i right click and choose download, i get a .html file.

You know, you can add those files to a post when writing it.
yeah... that's why you have to change it to .set

But I didn't know this forum would host files, sweet!
Attached files
XRG_Spec XRG.set - 132 B - 1154 views
XRT_Spec XRT.set - 132 B - 1172 views
Quote from morcs :I also like the idea of fixed cockpit view and dials etc., as well as forcing no auto-clutch and blip and other realistic constraints. Would this be a bit elitist by restricting servers to G25/other pedal users though?

You WILL see this. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I had planned to start a weekly race series (and possibly, an eventual league) around this idea. But, then InSim completely changed and the tool I was using to enforce gearbox, clutch, etc. no longer works. I'm no programmer, so until someone can come up with an InSim tool to do the dirty work, this is on the back burner. But, I can pretty much guarantee someone will code up a tool to do this (Monk is probably already working on one).
Yeah, I do think that there are a couple of league things that definetly need to be put in LFS (over and above new InSim functionality)...

a) Fixed Setups
b) Server set handicaps
c) Raw data statistics dump

As you pointed out, NR2003 (and other sims too) had these features and at least for NR2003 this made for some great racing, especially unamongst the "less hardcore".

Quote from DeadWolfBones :I do like the idea.

I've occasionally suggested (over the 4 years or so I've been playing LFS) that the devs should include a server-side option for a fixed setup, to be imposed on all drivers on the server. NR2003 had this option and it produced some of the best races I ever had with that game.

ok guys, Spec XRG & XRT is a dedicated server as of 30 min ago.

I'm going to leave it up tonight/tomorrow to see if this pile of old hardware is up for it, please stop by and test it out. I've left it so you can change tracks and such. Please help out by using the setups here and sharing them with anyone who connects. Obviously I need a webpage or something so people can grab the setup and rules without finding this thread.... I'll get on that.

Right now, other than not driving like a jerk, the only rules are that you can change these things:

steering lock <---mine is WAY lower than most people use, so change it!
max brake pressure
tire pressures

And if any other racer asks for your setup, then you MUST send it to him before pitting.
How about a few races thursday night? I'll be on around 8PM EST, anyone interested?
The thing with forced setup usage is that everyone drives differently.

One person may fly around the track with one setup, but someone else using the same one might bin it into the gravel on every corner...
Quote from Syfoon :The thing with forced setup usage is that everyone drives differently.

One person may fly around the track with one setup, but someone else using the same one might bin it into the gravel on every corner...

The point is everyone should be able to adapt, it's part of the challenge.
Quote from Syfoon :The thing with forced setup usage is that everyone drives differently.

One person may fly around the track with one setup, but someone else using the same one might bin it into the gravel on every corner...

Except in the most extreme cases, that excuse is a big cop-out. If two people take showroom stock vehicles and race them, the winner won't win because of the car setup, he or she will win because they are the better driver. As long as we're dealing with "showroom" (ie: Bob's) setups or something like RACE_S, everyone should be able to drive those with no problems.