The online racing simulator

with fuel gauge

without fuel gauge

Attached files - 253.1 KB - 774 views
Quote from Naruto06 :RX-8 Tach and Fuel gauge...took me like 3 hrs to make -_- so plz comment on them after u download them, i know they arent perfect and feel free to edit them and make them look better. Just make sure you give me credit for the original. and as with my previous post, the file size is small because of the picture compression.
Compressed:164 KB
Extracted: 4.62 MB

great so far! best lx6 guages I have. I wanna see these finished! :P if you need any help just link me on msn
OK OK! here -_- (Naruto06) DELETED by Naruto06
Gauge complete cars: UF1,XFG,XRG,LX4,LX6,RB4,XRT,FZ5,UFR,XFR,MRT,FXR,XRR.
Need gauge for: RAC,FZR,FBM,FOX,F08,BF1. !!!
Quote from Naruto06 :They are a beta because I cant get the turbo to work properly. if you want to try and make it work, be my guest. If you want to make any suggestions let me know and ill try to do it (AND sorry 1303s_vortech ! I did not give you initial credit for the needles (I stole them from you MRT gauges)) I hope you don't mind, a friend of mine is trying to make new needles.

Ill keep you updated on progress.

I asked you for help with mine, Y U no ask for halp, y u no use correct rx8 needle i made for ya </ anyways, youre turbo needle isn't 'centered' and its set to rotate the wrong direction

EDIT: I see your problem, you have no turbo guage face...which means the needle doesn't even know where to point, Maybe you were trying to make the turbo the same way you made the rpm guage face? got lucky with that , you really should seperate the guage from the background as it needs to be 360 degrees to be fully accurate i've also included a pic of your guages + my needle + my boost guage as a test.

(had to use imageshack :C ) - >
Quote from BoyGTA :Where can we download it? looks awesome

I'm cancelled this work for a while ... but maybe at the weekend. I'll see what can I do.
Quote from aerolive :I'm cancelled this work for a while ... but maybe at the weekend. I'll see what can I do.

fuel gauge not working yet

Attached files - 418.7 KB - 701 views
Quote from aerolive :VW Polo GTI 2010

display and fuel needle update + water temp gauge fix


When I try to use the Analog Gauges Configurator, I get this error message:

Unhandled exception has occured in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

The following string can not be converted to "Double" ... the following numbers are different in each car.

If I click continue, the application goes on, but I haven't got preview. Anyone knows what's the solution?

win7 32bit
Attached files - 97.9 KB - 544 views
Got the fuel gauge working for the 750i gauges ^^

EDITS: Tach and Speedo Needles longer, Fuel gauge working (No fuel LIGHT tho), general Accuracy of Fuel and Tach needles improved.

NOTE: .ini is set up for 1920x1080 so you may have to move them up and to the left before you are able to see them if you are using a lower resolution.
Attached files
Gauges750i.rar - 342.5 KB - 1005 views
Quote from Naruto06 :Got the fuel gauge working for the 750i gauges ^^

EDITS: Tach and Speedo Needles longer, Fuel gauge working (No fuel LIGHT tho), general Accuracy of Fuel and Tach needles improved.

NOTE: .ini is set up for 1920x1080 so you may have to move them up and to the left before you are able to see them if you are using a lower resolution.

Thanks a lot for the fuel

the original bmw needles are not so long btw , but maybe i have to move down a little in the alpha channel, it seems to not provide a full circle
Quote from aerolive :Thanks a lot for the fuel

no problem

I know they arent as long, but thats the styling that i like, if people want shorter needles they can use the ones from your original upload :3
(Naruto06) DELETED by Naruto06
Hello racers! I've never used this program before, but it seems to be a very nice mod! But I have some problems with it. If I download ''Anagauges v0.12 my computer says it's damaged!?

Can anyone tell me what's wrong?
Thanks for your comment! I downloaded your file and I put it in my lfs folder. What I have to do now?
A) try to browse through all this topic, answers are hidden somewhere...

B) ...Or try to read this:

Quote :
How to install:

-Place d3d8.dll in your LFS root folder (you may have to replace an existing one).

-Create a new folder called Gauges also in the root folder. (ex: 'C:\LFS\Gauges')

-Place the gaugesxxx folder included in the Gauges folder you just created (where xxx is the 3 letters of the car you want them to work with, you can rename to suit any car).

-Some packs contains additionals fonts that you need to put in your ...\windows\fonts folder. (or install with right-clic it -> install)

-Paste these lignes over the ones you have at the end of your cfg.txt (don't forget to make a backup).

OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

Thnx a million, it works!
YAY! New Gauges!
MRT: Kawasaki ZX
White Gauges v1.1 are still being worked on...ill update the post with the progress.

Current Progress/Versions:
Black Edition v1.0: (With Redline) [PIC] [DOWNLOAD]
Black Edition v1.1: (Without Redline) [PIC] [DOWNLOAD]
White Edition v1.0: (With Redline) [PIC] [DOWNLOAD]
White Edition v1.1: (without Redline) Will not be released anytime soon...sorry if you were looking forward to these...
GLOW Edition v1.0: (With Redline) [PIC] [DOWNLOAD]
GLOW Edition v1.1: (Without Redline) [PIC] [DOWNLOAD]
GLOW Edition v2.0: (With Redline) [PIC] [DOWNLOAD]
GLOW Edition v2.1: (Without Redline) [PIC] [DOWNLOAD]

A few more variants may come soon...maybe not... you guys already have 7 :P

FONTS: [DOWNLOAD] (just fonts that were used for the above gauges)

Made by: 1303s_Vortech
Edited by: Naruto06 (Boosted)


Edits to this set will be added to THIS post, additional gauge sets that aren't listed here yet will be made in a new post when they are released. If you have any questions/comments please feel free to post. Please don't ask about what gauges that are coming up or about what time gauges will be released because most of the time we don't know when they will be, when they are done, they will get released, that simple.
...Thanks a lot !

ps: reserved space for upcoming release(s).

I guess it's time to reveal next series as they're almost done:

-Impreza mk3 (GE/GH/GR)

-Twingo II RS (my avatar)

Both will be coming in various colors/schemes...
Attached images
impreza 3_white_1.PNG
why is there no mph gauges at all? we dont all live in europe with kms
Quote from Graeme43 :why is there no mph gauges at all? we dont all live in europe with kms

2 things, 1, have u noticed my flag? get used to using both. 2, we are working on MPH gauges for a set...wont say what they are but they will most likly be used for TBO cars...have fun guessing.

Oh and i find it hilarious that u posted here when u said no one uses this mod on LTC :P
Quote from Graeme43 :....

...well, to be honest, that's not I hate imperial units, but as we use metric over here.
I'll make a try for next coming set(s).

Dunno if I would be mad enough to do both scales on same speedo anyway...

edit: ...just found a solution to get both units on same set, now it's a matter of small tweaking until release...
I have been trying to get used to them because I especially love that 750i gauge but its in KMs all I know is 100 = 60 lol and 200 = 120 lol so thats not too useful

Quote from Naruto06 :
Oh and i find it hilarious that u posted here when u said no one uses this mod on LTC :P

I asked there and they said I should open paint and paste mph numbers over the KM ones lol
Quote from Graeme43 :I asked there and they said I should open paint and paste mph numbers over the KM ones lol

...ehmm, paint?(!)

Speedo has the same angle for mph/kph speedos, so you would be able to use digital kph with analog mph or mph(for Impreza's).
Quote from 1303s_vortech :...ehmm, paint?(!)

Did the same scale for mph/kph speedos, so you would be able to use analog kph with digital mph, or the opposite (for Impreza's).

U just gave away we are working on Impreza gauges :doh: or i just did :uglyhamme

oh, and Paint + these gauges (any of them) would ruin the transparency and they would be almost useless...
Quote : you would be able to use digital kph with analogl mph, not the opposite


Since I never tried digital mph, I though it was possible, sadly its not...
"Something, somewhere, went wrong..."

So, here is what this means (btw here's a variant: aluminium/chrome)
Attached images

New Analog Gauges in LFS (Alpha)
(788 posts, started )