The online racing simulator
Quote from 1303s_vortech :@Impreza09: Nice & clean (...fuel gauge looks strange yet, but it's certainly 'cause it's unfinished )

Don't get what's missing... I didn't release it yet because I'm making a TBO Gauge Set, that one is the RB4, the one below is XRT (this one is really not finished)

Attached images
Well, I'm on holydays in Poland, but I try to check the forum when I can. But it's not like I'll be making gauges until I return..
Can someone please post a Analog Gauge For All Cars
I Do not want to download seperate gauges
Quote from Patel151 :Can someone please post a Analog Gauge For All Cars
I Do not want to download seperate gauges

You can easily switch gauges by pressing ctrl + page up at the same time on each car.
"working" on a superpack, for december.
Can't wait
How was your holiday to Poland, huh?
Wszystko super, dzięki. Już wróciłem, znowu Hiszpania... :| .
Is this still supposed to work? When I try to run LFS with the d3d8.dll, it freezes and I have to kill it with Task Manager.
Hi. I want to make gauges like other people post in this topic, but i don't know how to do it. There is some lessons, how to make gauges ? What i need to to that ?

Quote from Vojta7 :Is this still supposed to work? When I try to run LFS with the d3d8.dll, it freezes and I have to kill it with Task Manager.

Yes this does, did you follow the setup process correctly?

Quote from sti228 :Hi. I want to make gauges like other people post in this topic, but i don't know how to do it. There is some lessons, how to make gauges ? What i need to to that ?

*Image removed for the sake of saving space in the thread*

It is a long and complicated process, most people that make these gauges are quite busy people and don't really have time to teach. I would teach you myself but at most I would be able to show you how to change colors/textures. Just poke around in the thread, there are some links and info about how to make them somewhere around here.

I was also wondering if anyone is still in the process of making gauges and wanted some help with colors/textures or some color sets for the gauges you already have...It's about the only thing I have the ability to do...PM me if you want some help. With the permission of the original owners I will edit the gauges colors/textures and send you a copy of the edited gauges.
Well, I suppose I could do a tutorial... but yes, it must be when I have time, which I really don't know when it'll be.
New Gauges!
OK, I just found a excellent source for gauge faces that are in very high quality and will be attempting 2 gauge sets (same car (Mazda Miata), different year/style) I will be releasing them with MPH and KPH (MPH main, KPH inside...if you don't know what I mean you will see soon enough). You can track my progress on the first set HERE (Google Drive/Docs).

I will be posting a pic soon of my progress...I'm working today and tomorrow and there wont be much progress untill Sunday or Monday (depending on where you live) But you can keep track of my progress as I said at the above link.

Edit: due to things going on in my life that I cannot control I will most likely abandon these gauges, I may or may not release what I have and let you guys finish them. Check back here later and I will let you guys know as soon as I choose weather or not to release them.
@Naruto06 : If you have any trouble don't doubt to tell me.

I've just finished a little XRG set (take in mind my new monitor is 1920*1080...). For those who want to learn.. well, I don't really feel like writing a tutorial, but you can download gauges and observe and experiment. In addition, I'm attaching a blank .ini (gauges.ini.rar), a template, that is. All you have to do is fill it to suit your needs (in case you don't know it's opened with Notepad). Btw, some basics :

-You must have a folder under the LFS folder (by default C:\LFS) called "Gauges".
-To create a new set you must create in the "Gauges" folder a new folder called "GaugesXXX", XXX being the name of the car. For example "GaugesXFG".
-Graphic files must be .tga (targa format, one of the first image formats ever) and obviously in the GaugesXXX folder.
-File names for images are : "rpm" "rpmneedle" "kmh" "kmhneedle" "mph" "mphneedle" "turbo" "turboneedle". There's a little bug and the background must be called "backround" instead of "background".
-There must be an .ini file called "gauges.ini"


Hope its helpful, and here goes my set. (Image is obviously cropped)
Attached images
Attached files
GaugesXRG.rar - 1.1 MB - 545 views
gauges.ini.rar - 730 B - 421 views
Quote from Naruto06 :Yes this does, did you follow the setup process correctly?

I downloaded v0.12 and extracted to C:\LFS\, then the same with v0.17, rewriting existing d3d8.dll. Now when I start LFS normally, it shows a black screen and stops responding. When I add the "/insim=29999" I get a black screen too, the only difference is that it shows an error "Could not initialise graphics."...
Hmm, that's strange... Btw, I wanted to do some kinda Reventon gauges, and then came up with KITT! So this is current progress..
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Hey... Could somene from this forum give me his skype who knows this stuff? Im having some problems. Please.
my alpha gauges not working
hi everyone i recently install lfs alpha and found the alpha gauges but its not working i put the gauges folder in lfs..and put the insim=29999 in the shortcut but nothing come up i was wondering can anyone help me

You installed LFS Alpha ?
Quote from louieR765 :hi everyone i recently install lfs alpha and found the alpha gauges but its not working i put the gauges folder in lfs..and put the insim=29999 in the shortcut but nothing come up i was wondering can anyone help me


"(Alpha)" refers (in this case) to the mod itself being alpha, not you requiring LFS Alpha
can someone make me integra type-r dc2 mugen gauges? the 10k rpm - 270 kmh one. the speed doesnt matter much though. i just want it to be above 230 kmh. can someone do it? i wrote down here because the v1.0 thread would be a massive bump (2 years lol).
i used to play with this AnaGauge mod but after a long time, i've tried to use this again but if i change the d3d8.dll, my lfs dont want to start up and appears a message saying "could not detect any suitable screen mod. probable error in graphic card"
and if i don't change the dll it will not work..¬¬ anyone have an idea?
my full cockpits:

New Analog Gauges in LFS (Alpha)
(788 posts, started )