The online racing simulator
Cutting people up
(45 posts, started )
Cutting people up
I have been having problems with seeing / hearing other cars when they are just on my rear quarter and seem to cut them up. I have tried using the "look" keys byt by the time the view has moved round it is often too late. It also makes judging the corner exteremly hard. Does anyone know if it is possible to adjust the angle of the side mirrors to enable a better view of the blind spots.
#2 - Lible
No, you can`t adjust side mirrors, but you can enable virtual mirror that saws the same that virtual mirrors. You can also move the look-position for better seeing.
You said "by the time the view has moved round". Sounds like you haven't enabled instant look or whatever it's called. Look for it in options and enable it. That might help a bit.
if u dont see them beside u when u turn in, its their fault, they should 'present themselfs' i know im going to get flamed by people saying "this causes many crashes" but thats how it operates for real.

people just need to overtake properly, and if they dont bother to learn stop saying 'u cut me up' or whatever :@ it not your fault man!
I'm not a gifted passer, but when I make a move, if I'm not side by side at braking marker I watch the other car carefully and back out when neccesary. When being challenged, and there is any question of how close my rival is, I leave enough room for both of us to make the corner.

Things to try:

Instant look (Options>View>Instant Look>Instant)

Moving your overhead mirror to center/top on each individual car. (While in car. Options>View>Mirror Offset Lateral and Mirror Offset Vertical)

Virtual mirror on formulas. (Options>Display>Mirror Mode>Virtual)

Practice "looking". It gets easier as time goes on.

Race online a lot.

Find a group of racers that you like, race with them a lot, learn thier styles.

See if you like 'Look Function'. It can help in certain situations, but does take a little bit of 'feel' from the car. (Options>View>Look Function)

Sounds to me like you're on the right track.
#7 - ajp71
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :if u dont see them beside u when u turn in, its their fault, they should 'present themselfs' i know im going to get flamed by people saying "this causes many crashes" but thats how it operates for real.

people just need to overtake properly, and if they dont bother to learn stop saying 'u cut me up' or whatever :@ it not your fault man!

If your aware of a car you don't turn in on it and hope it will back off. IRL when two cars clip each other like this it's considered a racing incident and no one starts bitching.
its usually the driver who does the overtaking and gets 'turned in on' in LFS that does the bitching
And at times he is right to do so. When he is next to you, you shouldnt turn in on him.
I get that a lot. Like today I could see some guy in my right mirrow every now and then, and could hear his engine. But when I go to turn I can't swing around to see where he is or I'd run off, then he runs into my rear quarts, sending me spinning >.< So damn annoying, some people get way to close in corners.

It's just impossable to always look at your sides/back and keep racing. There just isn't time, or road to do it. People take too many stupid risks because "It's only a game", and then everyone ends up spinning.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I think tangling wheels on open wheeled cars would actually reduce the carnage, as you have to be disiplined or you will never finish a race.
Quote from xaotik :Try the pitspotter app.

I throw a BIG second on that. I wish everyone would use it. I love it and usually never have to look left and right to see if anyone is there. I find it very accurate too. I still look left/right, but now it's more to see how close they are. Pitspotter already tells me there is someone there. I loose less concentration on up ahead when looking left/right because I'm not checking to see if there is anyone, just a quick glance to note where they are.
could someone post an in car screen shot using this pitspotter please?

i'm curious what it does.

not anything you'll see from a screenshot it basically tells you if you have a car left or right, if your clear etc.
Quote from Kryten :You said "by the time the view has moved round". Sounds like you haven't enabled instant look or whatever it's called. Look for it in options and enable it. That might help a bit.

Indeed, thats the most helpful thing to do. I often press the button just for a split second several times when someone is close so I can watch the road ahead and whre opponents are at the same time
Quote :I get that a lot. Like today I could see some guy in my right mirrow every now and then, and could hear his engine.

Sounds like you should have left room.
Quote from xaotik :Try the pitspotter app.

Man. That thing is LOUD!!!

How do you turn it down?
In my opinion the look left/right thing is better than in other games. In most games looking left/right just makes the camera turn only ~45 degrees which is totally useless. LFS it's 90 degrees so I can see much better what's out there.
Traffic-awareness is all part of learning race skills, in real life as well as in LFS. There is no substitute for 2 things:
1) experience
2) Common sense
At the braking /turn-in point for a corner the car in front has the right to the raceline, I try to drive with this is mind, always look across if the car is ahead of me the line is his enjoy

As Al said common sense is the most important thing to use, unfortunatley in LFS there are no side effects to crashing.

How on earth people can race with a spotter I have no clue. I can cope with it (just) for oval racing in N2003 (although I normally turn it off and use common sense), but with circuit racing? It'd be easier racing with music than it is with someone shouting in your ear.
Quote from al heeley :Traffic-awareness is all part of learning race skills, in real life as well as in LFS. There is no substitute for 2 things:
1) experience
2) Common sense

(Chin Boy) DELETED by Chin Boy
#23 - axus
Reading the thread topic made me assume that you are wanting to chop and dice people into tiny blocks over the internet using LFS - sure made me laugh.
Quote from ajp71 :As Al said common sense is the most important thing to use, unfortunatley in LFS there are no side effects to crashing.

How on earth people can race with a spotter I have no clue. I can cope with it (just) for oval racing in N2003 (although I normally turn it off and use common sense), but with circuit racing? It'd be easier racing with music than it is with someone shouting in your ear.

I always set it too text only. It was very helpfull when I started out but it made mistakes sometimes, and in the end I built up a sixth sense for the position of cars around me.

That sim had 43 cars on track, 3 and 4 wide for minutes at a time so a spotter was needed. anyone with less that a year driving it would make lots of mistakes even with the spotter so..

just have to pay attention and practice.
Quote :At the braking /turn-in point for a corner the car in front has the right to the raceline,

That is the most common misbelief. There is no such thing as "right to the racing line". There is only respect to the other driver's line. If someone is next to you (and next to you I consider having the bumper about the position of the driver of the other car) then both cars gotta leave each other enough room to make it through the turn. Yes, this will involve going through there at lower speed.

Cutting people up
(45 posts, started )