My FOX settings in custom view are 85° FOV, X=0.00, Y=0.20, Z=-0.04. Bit lower in the car, but then that's what it looks like from a single seater. You can't just sit higher and 'get a better view', at least not without huge CoG and drag penalties 
FO8 - 85° FOV, X=0.00, Y=0.125, Z=-0.055
BF1 - 90° FOV, X=0.00, Y=-0.06, Z=-0.25 (this is a compromise, because having the mirrors in view is critical in a car this fast)
MRT - 90° FOV, X=0.00, Y=0.150, Z=-0.150 (a lot lower than default, maybe even less real, but it's comfortable

FO8 - 85° FOV, X=0.00, Y=0.125, Z=-0.055
BF1 - 90° FOV, X=0.00, Y=-0.06, Z=-0.25 (this is a compromise, because having the mirrors in view is critical in a car this fast)
MRT - 90° FOV, X=0.00, Y=0.150, Z=-0.150 (a lot lower than default, maybe even less real, but it's comfortable