The online racing simulator
HillClimber Layout
(17 posts, started )
HillClimber Layout
This is my first layout ever released. I made tonnes of others. I did not fell like releasing them though. if you want me to release the others, you can just ask me to do so. You climb the hills of Fern Bay on the inside of the track in this layout I made.
Video: ... 754217984735867&hl=en
The vehicle that worked the best was the RB4. It has 4x4, more than 200 horsepower and lots of torque. My time was 39 seconds. Edit: I just noticed it was 29 seconds :hyper:
Attached files
FE3_Hillclimber.lyt - 412 B - 604 views
RB4 GT_hillclimber.set - 132 B - 1328 views
Lol are you kidding? Fun track, wish it was faster, but my very first try I got 29 seconds =P.
LOL good track!
#4 - Kdovi
Made me laugh Nice idea and great fun
Been doin that stuff since the S1 days.
You have the track going out of bounds though, you should have it go all the way around T1 where you can drive around, and then have them go past the pits, etc.

There are even longer ways on the other side of the track, from the bridge, all the way to the start line outside of the track.
God damn u ive been workin on a off-road layout like that for ages lol anyways a good tip would be to extend it in the other direction across the top of the big hill nice work anyway lol
looks great! I'll have to try it latter though.
Wow. I did not know this layout would take off like a rocket
Guys, do any of you have a screenie? Can't view videos at work
haha! this layout is awesome!! Anyone tryed it with an LX6 yet? Its good fun
no I didn't Frenchy
I've managed to download and play other layouts but these will not load in Fern bay, they don't even appear in the list.
Quote from dewles :I've managed to download and play other layouts but these will not load in Fern bay, they don't even appear in the list.

i have a question does this work for Demo users ?
Well, since demo version doesn't have Fern Bay to begin with, NO.

Furthermore, since demo users can't use autocross layouts, NO.
I did this track with the FZ5

HillClimber Layout
(17 posts, started )