The online racing simulator
Audit My Games System>>>
(10 posts, started )
#1 - CSU1
Audit My Games System>>>
W.I.P - unfinished


Hello racers

Questions regarding FPS and system specs seem to be fragmented through this forum with no clear structure, here's where to ask these questions.
This is a guide for non Windows Vista and Linux users unsure how to get the best performance from their PC for LFS.
We can use this thread to ask questions about Windows and what the expected performance is for any given machine.

These are just a few tricks I've come across over the years to keep my machine running the way I want it too. I don't have a background in IT so feel free to correct me if I have missed something.

Obviousley those of us with higher-end machines will have little use for an audit of this kind,
therefore it is aimed mainly at the gamer with the older machine or the user that is unsure of what different system processes doing on their system.


I am going to break this guide into two main sections, the first section will show you how to stop unwanted programs and applications at system startup and stop and identify unwanted windows services. The second section will deal with settings of your graphics card and the settings in LFS itself.

Part I:

Windows Services

In the past we may have installed software or printers, USB hardware and other devices etc. that we do not use or want anymore,thus hogging system resorces...they all add up. The problem is that sometimes these softwares leave services running after they are no longer used. The only way to slipstream your windows services has to come from a bit of trial & error because there are so many different PC's on the market it would be impossible for me to forsee what hardware you still use, therefor I can't just give you a simple list of what service to stop and what not to stop.

If we open services.msc in a run command we see dozens and dozens of services, here is where you will begin trial & error.
The best way to do this is to click the 'Startup Type' tab and look at what services are starting up on system boot. You must now identify by name and by it's description whic services you do not want. Don't worry non-Windows services will stick out from the rest by lack of description. If you are not sure what any service is post it here or try google.

Basically there are two pieces of information the auditee will need to give you advice. We then can advise you where the bottlenecks and resorce hog's are on your system are. Applicants should note that the information from these two methods contain no personal information or details about your ip address etc.

attatch these two pieces of information:

Windows Processes:
A screenshot of Windows Task Manager, here's how to set up the screenshot:

a). Run LFS and start a single game, add several AI and start race.
b). Open Windows Task Manager, open the 'Processes Tab' , click on 'view' and 'Select Columns' and check the 'Virtual Memory Size' radio button.
c). Take a full screenshot of the processes tab and the performance tab.

DirectX Diagnostics:

Run LFS as before and use the run command and type 'dxdiag' and wait untill the progress bar loads. Simply click the 'Save All Information' button and attach the .txt file along with the screenshot in your post.


Further steps can be taken after the audit to check for malicious services and startup applications(unused apps that hog resorces and slow up boot time).
If applicants wish to they will need two more pieces of information:

Windows Services:

In this section the auditee cannot forsee the applicants hardware setup ie.external hardware connected printers, USB devices etc. therfore all genuine windows services should not be stopped, the auditee will give advice to which services are suspected malicious.

Using the run command type 'services.msc' click the 'Action' tab and export the .txt file.

Microsoft Startup Configuration:

Using the run command type 'msconfig' in this step the list is self explanitory, click the startup tab and uncheck any of the applications not needed. Again if you are un sure to which one's are best left alone just ask your questions here.

Good luck
Wow! what when why dont worrie im having a mid life crisis.

P.s i cant spell
#3 - CSU1
Quote from CSU1 :


Because its nice, thats all...i'm a nice fella

ur A nice fella m8

peace and love,

P.s i have no live forgive me
ok here it is man..
im not sure if the pic is exactly wat u wanted..
but hope this helps
Attached images
Attached files
DxDiag.txt - 46.8 KB - 271 views
#7 - CSU1
... this is going to get very frustrating...I will update the first post to:

a). Show people how to clean their Windows install themselfs,
b). set LFS to use minimal resorces at good fps,

it will take me a while to compile a good step by step guide...
You can also get diagnostic information from:

Start -> Run -> and type in 'MSInfo32.exe' (With out the quotes).
From there go to File -> Save. Save it as System.nfo and zip or rar it then upload here.
Quote from Dygear :You can also get diagnostic information from:

Start -> Run -> and type in 'MSInfo32.exe' (With out the quotes).
From there go to File -> Save. Save it as System.nfo and zip or rar it then upload here.

Even thought I don't understand anything in that topic, here you go

Edit: Added the DirectX Diagnostic and a screenshot from the taskbar
A very useful thread as and when the guide gets done.

I have a dual core 1.8? Ghtz with 1gig ram. Using Vista LFS runs worse than on my old machine. Looking to streamline and dump unwanted programs and services. A good guide I am looking forward too.

Although having recently used the latest 32bit Nvidea forceware drivers everything seems to have speeded up slightly. So a bit of advice to anyone running vista, get shot of the shipped drivers and install the latest from the manufactuer.

Audit My Games System>>>
(10 posts, started )