About 5 weeks ago, I was in a local garden centre (man I am so 30something
), and I noticed a rather sorry looking venus flytrap, only had 2 heads on it and it appeared to be on it's last legs.
Liking underdogs (well, I am one), I took it on myself to try and raise my little buddy, and named him Seymour.
Well, maybe it wasn't a good idea, because he is going MENTAL, flys and spiders in my house better beware, because this fella is ravenous.
I am just waiting for the day he goes all Little shop of horrors on my ass, and I have to start providing it with human blood, FEED ME, FEED ME ALL NIGHT LONG.
Yes, I understand that in the film, the nerdish florist (me) was called Seymour and not the plant, but then again, I am not a nerdish, well, maybe I am nerdish, but certainly NOT a florist

Liking underdogs (well, I am one), I took it on myself to try and raise my little buddy, and named him Seymour.
Well, maybe it wasn't a good idea, because he is going MENTAL, flys and spiders in my house better beware, because this fella is ravenous.
I am just waiting for the day he goes all Little shop of horrors on my ass, and I have to start providing it with human blood, FEED ME, FEED ME ALL NIGHT LONG.
Yes, I understand that in the film, the nerdish florist (me) was called Seymour and not the plant, but then again, I am not a nerdish, well, maybe I am nerdish, but certainly NOT a florist