Dell latitude d600
Bios: phoniox rom bios plus ver.1.10 A05
Processor: intel pentium m 1600mhz
Memory: 1024mb ram
page file: 306mb used. 2155mb avail.
Directx ver: dir.x 9.0c
Graphics card: mobility radeon 9000 {32bit}
problem is when i start the game 5 to 10 secs into gameplay the screen closes down and the laptop has to be restarted. no error message apears.
will upgrading the graphics card solve the problem?
Thanks for any help
Bios: phoniox rom bios plus ver.1.10 A05
Processor: intel pentium m 1600mhz
Memory: 1024mb ram
page file: 306mb used. 2155mb avail.
Directx ver: dir.x 9.0c
Graphics card: mobility radeon 9000 {32bit}
problem is when i start the game 5 to 10 secs into gameplay the screen closes down and the laptop has to be restarted. no error message apears.
will upgrading the graphics card solve the problem?
Thanks for any help