The online racing simulator
Render option for LFS viewer
(2 posts, started )
Render option for LFS viewer
Sorry if this is the wrong place, but it seemed like the right place to me, so please move it if not.

As skins are a big part of the online racing, and the viewer is so useful to make and show off skins, whether either an official addon or an unofficial one could make a similar program, that gives you the option to render a high res image of the skin, with anti aliasing and just generally smooth. You could use the low res models to choose the angle, which would mean that it would only have to use the fine detail for one image, not a different image every time the view is changed.

If this has already been suggested then sorry.

For AA and AF you can use the nvidia control panel (if you have an nvidia). It's how i do to enable AA & AF in LFS. For the size, you can change the resolution up to your monitor's size.

Render option for LFS viewer
(2 posts, started )