The online racing simulator
Little rant about the championship
Hey all. I know this is meant as a fun race, but how come a sizeable number of the field don't turn up on time or at all.

Also, the 'no chat during race' rule seems to have slipped.

Just my 0.02

Just so that everyone is aware, this (see pic) was deemed as sufficient overlap to make a pass . Sorry but I beg to differ.
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I haven't been able to race in the last 2 events because my girlfriend just had a baby and I also have a 1yr old running riot, hehe. Will hopefully make the next event.

@ anttt69 - I'd have to agree with you on that 1. I think your other screen shot shows it clearer, Murray had no chance of making that overtake from there and didn't deserve the space, I can imagine he just tried to force his way by. Murray isn't the most considerate racer, which I found out in Race 1 when he took me out while rejoining the track after a crash. He just drove straight into the path of oncoming traffic.
Quote from anttt69 :Just so that everyone is aware, this (see pic) was deemed as sufficient overlap to make a pass . Sorry but I beg to differ.

Can't see the apex of the corner from that picture so i don't see the point of putting it up, could be down the straight for all we know! I'm Not butting in but i watched the replay and i think it was a good move by Murray, at the end of the day this is racing there is abit of bumping involved!

As for the championship it think it is very well run and the format is great!! Its a pitty not many turned out the other night but hopefully it picks up for the next race.

over and out
He has posted other angles in the round 3 complaints thread. The point of showing that angle is to show that he clearly did not have enough overlap and he should have been the one to back off and wait 'till there was another chance to overtake.

You honestly think that that was a good move? I'm amazed. I'm not sure you would have the same opinion if anttt69 did the same to you...

Bumping is totally different to being pushed out of a corner, where you had the line and someone just dived down the inside.
E.Murray was at the back of his front door when the contact took place.
That is enough of a overlap. An aggressive move yes, but not wrong.
It was made worse by the collision detection in LFS.
I don't even know why this is being discussed. The decision has been made.
Ok, I understand the decision has been made and is final but in my opinion the decision was wrong and there's nothing wrong with a discussion, I hope...

I'm sure you have watched the replay, Niki, but I can't see that having your front wheels at someones rear wheels is enough of an overlap to be given some space into the corner.

I had to download the replay to look at this for myself and my opinion hasn't changed at all.

I've added a couple of screen shots taken at the point of contact.

Link-> Ants screen shot - Here you can see that Murray does not have enough overlap to be given space to take the corner. Therefore, at this point, Ant is right not to give him room and Murray should have backed off, right?

Attachment 1 - At this point you can clearly see Murrays front bumper isn't at Ants front door, it's close but it's not that far up. He should have already backed off at this point but stubbornly kept going(imo he was frustrated by an earlier racing incident) knowing full well that there would be contact.

Attachment 2 - And here you can see that Murray doesn't have a clear path through the corner so the only way he can make it is by pushing Ant out, which is not good racing conduct, IMHO.

That's just my opinion and I know this is supposed to be a fun event but Murrays actions here were anything but fun, he was quite serious and aggressive in his actions, all for just 1 position and a point or 2.
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ILFSC R3.jpg
ILFSC  R3.jpg
Jesus u lads all think your the FIA!! The decision has been made now live with it and move on to the next race!!!!
If both cars had of carried on Murray would have ended up in the wall.
Ant could have avoided alot of the contact by slightly moving left.
Yes it was forceful and a dive in the worng place , but ant it was ur 1st race and u have no chance at championship. That doesnt take away that it was an agressive move but THATS RACING! So move on and forget it.
I know the dicision is made but I was only dicussing the dicision, nothing more. I'll say one more thing and leave it at that.

I'm not sure you lads would feel the same if Ant did this to you.
Storm in a teacup IMO.

I watched the replay and wasnt sure what the fuss was about. It was an agressive move no doubt, but TBH if you know someone is going for a move like that you either make room or run the risk of contact.

Racing incident, it takes two to tango
Well, I'm on Ant's side on this. I haven't seen the replay but the screenshots prove his point but I also agree with Keith on this, the decision has been made and you just gotta forget about the last race and focus on the next one. I haven't done a single lap yet round here (wherever it is ) so I'll probably be putting a lot in tonight. Trust me Ant, there have been many, many unfair calls that have been called on me where most of the drivers supported me but the admin just didn't get it but I just "argh! nevermind, now onto the next race! ". I understand why a lot of you are persistent in trying to possibly change niki's decision but its been done and thats that. Try and enjoy the championship, and while I understand that there is some fierce competition going on, just try and drop things .

Oh and just something that I'm proud of, I have 100k+ KMs on my LFSW stats
Yes I agree that the decision has been made so I will have to take it on the chin & look forward to next race. Apart from the fact that many people disagree with the decision the thing that annoyed me most was Murray not offering any apology for destroying my race . nice bloke is'nt he??
Quote from anttt69 : nice bloke is'nt he??

Yes in my experience with him, he is a nice bloke.. Sticking my nose in I know Ant, but is there any reason why you couldn't have given a little more room.. both could have made it through the corner and lived to fight another day.

However, I know nothing of this (only from the words and images posted here), and I'd agree, there was never sufficient overlap.
well, we race hard Stoney in this championship. You have no idea the level of racing we race in this, its amazing .
#16 - Gunn
Judging by the screenshots, no way was there room to pass there. As for overlap, it would be measured from the point of turn-in, which for that corner is way back out of shot (using the screenies as a guide).
Quote from Gunn :Judging by the screenshots, no way was there room to pass there. As for overlap, it would be measured from the point of turn-in, which for that corner is way back out of shot (using the screenies as a guide).

There is no real turn in point for that corner as your always gradually turning towards it.
The point is that it could have been avoided, by both parties.
If you watch the replay you can see it would have only been a touch and rub situation if it weren't for the lovely collision detection in LFS.
I don't really see the point of discussing this any further... It has been dealt with, we've moved on and even had another 2 races since!
Quote from nikimere : we've moved on and even had another 2 races since!

Yes..and two nice races indeed..
Quote from Richard Torp :Yes..and two nice races indeed..

They were actually 2 great races! For the amount of close battles that were going on throughout the field, any no complaints! Well done all!