The online racing simulator
DFP suddenly doesn't work; lights flashing.
So yeah, all of a sudden my dfp dies. The Profiler shows no probs, windows shows no probs, but my pc isn't registering it's actions. Games, the profiler, nothing is showing any response from it. The left light is flashing and it doesn't calibrate itself at boot. I haven't done anything to it, it worked fine this morning.
I really need help, quickly.

-I've already tried updating/replacing the logi gaming drivers, no good.
Funny, I had exactly the same problem last week.

Here is how I fixed it.

Make sure you don't install the Wingman drivers over the top of the old ones. Uninstall the old drivers through the control panel/add remove programs.

I then did a reboot just to make sure. Make sure the wheel is unplugged and not connected to the PC!

Then, I reinstalled the wingman drivers again and thn plugged in the wheel. To be fair, that did nothing and it still didn't work.

Once I rebooted, the wheel kicked in to life and worked again.

The issue I got was the left green light would flash and that was it.

Hope that helps!