The online racing simulator
#1 - Knu
ISRM.mod_drag 0.81 Beta - Release
Hello everyone, I'd like to present my first ever InSim app, ISRM.mod_drag, enjoy! In short, it's a system for drag racing (here's a good article on the basics: Look below for details and screenshots (a bit outdated though ).

It is a server-side application and will not work in singleplayer! If you want to try it out offline, you'll have to create a local server (Multiplayer->Start new game) and connect ISRM to it.

Attention! THIS ADDON IS NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE! Source code was lost after a hard drive crash.

Patch Z Version is now attached due to demand! Only Tracks.txt changed.

- An automatic system - no admin needed!
- Fully-fledged Christmas Tree
- Staging and prestaging
- Realistic start detection (allows rollout)
- Accurate winner detection
- Jumpstart detection
- Hall Of Fame (the best times)
- Practice mode and competition mode
- 3 styles of starting lights - Sportsman, Pro and LFS-like
- 1/4 mile, 1/8 mile and even 1/2 mile distances
- Measures total time, reaction time, margin of win
- Measures 0-60 mph time and finish speed
- Interval timers at 60', 660', 1000', 1320' and 2000'
- On-screen options menu (Shift+I)
- English and Russian languages, with ability to add your own.
- Optional and customisable agreement screen
- Race on the BL1 backstraight and the AU3 drag strip, or...
- Set up your own drag strip in any part of any track!

Special thanks:
- Red Runner (for his wonderful LfsInSimLib)
- Sonyk, Leandrus, Sanchez, Lord Lugarsh, strato12345 - bug reporters
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(danowat) DELETED by danowat
Cant get it to work here >

EventType : clr20r3 P1 : isrm.exe P2 : P3 : 46b0562b
P4 : isrmlib P5 : P6 : 46b0562b P7 : 1e P8 : 207
P9 : system.nullreferenceexception

And >
Attached images
#3 - Knu
When do you get this error?
Is .NET Framework Installed?
Have you correctly entered IP : port and password?
Ok, the error occurs as soon as I press the "connect" button.

Yes, I have .Net 2 installed, and yes, the IP address is correct, I assume the port is the insim port?
#5 - Knu
I see it can't connect to localhost for some reason. If you are using it, try changing it your local or real ip.
Other than that, I can't reproduce this king of bug here.

To see the program at work, you can join demo server "Marvel Drag".
My machine (here) has two IP's, for some silly reason our works network is on an abnormal range, and I can't be arsed to chance ALL the machines, but I have two IP's assigned to this machine, one in the company range, and one in the normal range.

Both IP addresses give the same error, so it may be to do with that.


Certainly works online on that server, very nice job by the looks of it
new suggestion:
top 10 or 15 list (time)
top 10 or 15 list how many times are win.
for future:
- turn off MCI if it not needed
- before get who wins need get MCI packet all drag racers
I think this would be a good time to disable insim in the demo version of LFS.

Quote from felplacerad :I think this would be a good time to disable insim in the demo version of LFS.



If the drag strip used to be an argument for purchasing LFS it sure no longer is. The same goes for Lapper VS. LFS World. All applications that give the demo users features which were originally only available for licenced users are hurting the licence sales. ie, LFS / The LFS Team.
Don't know if turning off Insim for demo would be the best idea, one thing that is is that we will get less addons, because demo users can't use insim.

This would be actually pretty nice to have at the dragstrip, too, altough a "limited edition".
#14 - Knu
Quote :I think this would be a good time to disable insim in the demo version of LFS.


I doubt anyone bought S2 only because of the drag strip. And, btw, I have no intention whatsoever to hurt LFS. I just use the tools given to us by the developers to make the world a bit better place.
Quote :Meh, i was coming to the server to test it, but i see there is only one spot, could you make more spots for the server?

Sadly, no, I guess too little bandwidth for that.
Quote :for future:
- turn off MCI if it not needed
- before get who wins need get MCI packet all drag racers

Can't understand. Reply in russian on please
#15 - GerG
Quote from felplacerad :I think this would be a good time to disable insim in the demo version of LFS.


Do not see the point why. Point of buying S2 license IMO: Getting more professional content written by Scavier. The programming in this case was done by a DEMO user, he figured out how to do things, he invested time into it, so hard work is done. The interface, however is written by Scavier, but thats not a reason to restrict DEMO not to use InSim or OutSim.
Quote from felplacerad :Dan,

If the drag strip used to be an argument for purchasing LFS it sure no longer is. The same goes for Lapper VS. LFS World. All applications that give the demo users features which were originally only available for licenced users are hurting the licence sales. ie, LFS / The LFS Team.

Sorry, but thats BULLPLOP, the drag strip is an EXTREMELY minor part of LFS, allowing insim, and subsequently, a drag race on Blackwood does NOTHING to harm license sales AT ALL.

Do you REALLY think people don't buy LFS because the content in the demo is too good?, no, they don't buy it because they can't buy it.
(felplacerad) DELETED by felplacerad : nevermind, its not my decision.
Quote from danowat :Sorry, but thats BULLPLOP, the drag strip is an EXTREMELY minor part of LFS, allowing insim, and subsequently, a drag race on Blackwood does NOTHING to harm license sales AT ALL.

Do you REALLY think people don't buy LFS because the content in the demo is too good?, no, they don't buy it because they can't buy it.

Dude yur r great

Not any body can buy s2 ,

WTF is "IMO"
In My Opinion
If you could keep the discussion more on topic guys, this isn't helping anyone nor going anywhere useful, plus you're not the people that can do anything about it anyway.
sounds awsome. if you get the full version, can you implement this to the Dragstrip we have in S2? i hope this is just the start of MODS to lfs.
#22 - STF
it works !
just had a server tonight with dozens of players overall (~2 hours) and had a blast.. most had no idea what drag really is.. what a reaction time is.. what`s "staging". more than half went away with the lesson learned. (well the server was called DRAG so.. ). it has little issues.. but heck.. just got out into the world it`s still young.
it looks like it works under these circumstances: (at least for me)
- Dedicated server
- No game password - only admin password
- Server NOT hidden. when i tried "hidden" gave me an error (short version - "wrong admin password". [yes, it was the correct one but..])
_also, sometimes the isrm.exe just crashes, with no apparent reason..
i must mention i`m running the dedi&play on the same computer. when isrm crashes, i was able twice to "solve it" by quiting the playing LFS instance.., restarting isrm.exe. then.. fire up lfs and play..
i hope this helps.
i had a friend`s license while he was out of country and he couldn`t play and tried the drag strip. well.. it`s not what it should be. it must simulate DRAG racing, right ? this has to (ok, or something similar) be integrated in the final game for the drag strip. drag`s just for a quick relax.. break.. u name it.. but it should be like.. u get my point.
PPS: i`ll get a credit card soon, guess what`s the first thing i`ll use it for.
(and no.. i won`t use my future g25 on drag&drift :d)
Great work man, on tuesday i was thinking on some mod like this for a drag server that i have, even start programing this one. and today POWWW...
i saw this post just could'nt belive it jejeje

i'll send you a mail later with some sugestions so your work gets better and better

by the way, sorry for the bad english
there a server up with this?
Maybe mine? My server name should be OFFCIAL DRAG ROOM in yellow...

Hope to see you there...

ISRM.mod_drag 0.5 Beta - Release
(274 posts, started )