alright guys after hours of reading , either theres no solution or i just havnt found it... alright here it goes... today i decided to hold my own public server so i start it up evreythings fine evreyone can come in evreyone goes out ... perfect... so i get to the point were i want it to be a drag racing mod so i download insim drag latest version and i run it... evreything work exept a couple of thing
1 : i get a backwood error..... out of the blue.... dunno what that is ...
2 : i was trying to get the server to pick out the names who turn was it.. on the top of the screen and stuff ive used up my whole day searching and yet nothing.. this is my last chance ... thanks..
1 : i get a backwood error..... out of the blue.... dunno what that is ...
2 : i was trying to get the server to pick out the names who turn was it.. on the top of the screen and stuff ive used up my whole day searching and yet nothing.. this is my last chance ... thanks..
