The online racing simulator

Poll : Do you want the UF1 to return?

Yes, please!
Return of the UF1000?
Who would like to have the UF1 return in the competition?
Definately, the UF1000 made for some close and fun racing. The only feasible way to add it would be on a rotation system with the XFG/XRG on Race 1 I think.
#3 - DeKo
the UF1k racing was absolutely superb, but im not sure it could be feasible now
#4 - Jakg
With the current server base a UF1 server is not feasable 24/7 without it affecting the other servers. "Phase 2" may have something to interest you though...
It seems to me that the UF1 could theoretically be inserted into a (newly) multi-class Race 1 w/the XRG+XFG.
I miss the wee mini's

Please bring them back
#7 - hvdb
Bring back the good old times