The online racing simulator
where can i download patch V?
(20 posts, started )
where can i download patch V?
did a search and find anything,wanna run lfstweak.
Here is the exe. Dump it into your current LFS folder and it should work fine as it works fine for me. Could be an idea to backup your config first in fact it could be better to just make a copy of your LFS folder to run this. It saves you downloading 100+ meg again anyway.
Attached files
LFS_v.rar - 743.6 KB - 706 views
i downloaded and in saved it in the same file as lfs and lfstweak and all that other good stuf.Its saying it needs another file to run
it will help if u say what other file it needs to run
probably the OCX them from microsofts website

and if you use have to run the tweak as an adminastrator (right click on the file, then run as admin)
Also, use the search!
harjun - LFS is not coded in VB6.
Greetings. I'm KitsuFox, taking an interest in Patch V due to LFSTweak, which helped me get interested in LFS to begin with.

I run Patch X, S2 license. The disadvantage I have here, is that when I attempt to run Patch V, I cannot due to a "Cannot find HEL_DEFAULT.jpg"

I know that LFS has since switched from JPG to DDS for textures, I am just curious: What else will I need to get Patch V working properly? Will I need to take every default skin in the game, convert them to JPG and put them in the skins folder? Or do I just need the file mentioned?

As a note, I do not intend to play online with whatever I plan to do to the game with LFSTweak.
Quote from KitsuFox :Greetings. I'm KitsuFox, taking an interest in Patch V due to LFSTweak, which helped me get interested in LFS to begin with.

I run Patch X, S2 license. The disadvantage I have here, is that when I attempt to run Patch V, I cannot due to a "Cannot find HEL_DEFAULT.jpg"

I know that LFS has since switched from JPG to DDS for textures, I am just curious: What else will I need to get Patch V working properly? Will I need to take every default skin in the game, convert them to JPG and put them in the skins folder? Or do I just need the file mentioned?

As a note, I do not intend to play online with whatever I plan to do to the game with LFSTweak.

Even if you do can't

It says...Host Has Different Game Code
#10 - Jakg
just drop a file from your current copy of LFS into it, the "HEL_DEFAULT.jpg" file - LFS only uses DDS for online skins iirc

Harjun, he said he DIDN'T intend to, and you CAN play online IF the server has the same tweak loaded
I'm a little confused there. HEL_DEFAULT.jpg, in the skins folder. Just skins. I'm not entirely sure what to do. I understand your directions, just I can't figure out what I should do to make sure LFS doesn't explode.
#12 - Jakg
Copy HEL_DEFAULT do the LFS>Data>Skins folder of your "LFS Tweak" install
I got that part, but the only file name I have is the DDS file. Patch V wants JPG versions of all of the textures.
#14 - Jakg
here you are....
Attached images
As I said, I already figured that out. But the way it's looking, I'll have to convert every default texture that came with the game into JPG format so I can actually run it.
Not wanting to make a new thread, has anyone got 0.5L or 0.5K lying around (the original demo-only releases)? They are the only two versions I'm missing (of S2 anyway). I'd prefer the whole zip (30MB?) if that's possible but the exe alone might do at a push.


Edit: just found 0.5L from here (funny I googled for 0.5k - still looking for that)

Edit 2: Found 0.5K from here. Should have googled before posting! Ignore this post.
i have downloaded the comctl32.ocx file but it still doesnt work any suggestions??
Quote from maddenkieran-14 :i have downloaded the comctl32.ocx file but it still doesnt work any suggestions??

do you use vista?...if so, run the tweak as adminastrator (right click on file, run as admin.)

where can i download patch V?
(20 posts, started )