The online racing simulator
Developer Please read (I dont think Moderators can solve this)
Hello Victor/Friends
I have made a PB on KY Oval (BF1) of 29.62 (Places me around 4-10 in the World of LFS, This was on LFS World, my brother was playing this game, and wanted to view the replay of this lap, he went onto LFS World, went to My Stats and deleted the PB, thinking that it was a Download (Like you do with Hotlaps) I will attach a replay of this lap (took my around a year to make) and have never been close to it since) I would very much appriciate this if you could attach this to my account as this was set 3man bump drafting through the whole race. Not very easy to do.
Attached files
Fast lap 29.62.mpr - 704.4 KB - 164 views
Don't think thats possible, even if it was, seems a lot of work and would set a precident that others will want aswell
Did you beat your brother up after deleting your stat?
Quote from al heeley :Did you beat your brother up after deleting your stat?

No way he twice my size
Oh well, best get practicing again then
He deserves the beating for being thick, I mean, there's a big fat warning/confirmation message that asks you if you really want to DELETE your PB
Quote from AndroidXP :He deserves the beating for being thick, I mean, there's a big fat warning/confirmation message that asks you if you really want to DELETE your PB

I said the same thing, he just said 'thought it said do i want to download it' so he clicked yes, so pissed with this though, the PB is super fast and you will know if you have been on oval/watched the replay how far behind the rest of the cars are.
Quote from al heeley :Oh well, best get practicing again then

No way, if this cant be added, game goes up for sale on eBay
Buy a gun and shoot him like crazy.
You want to sell LFS because a PB with BF1 on oval got deleted accidentally and cant be restored?
#11 - Gunn
Quote from zeugnimod :You want to sell LFS because a PB with BF1 on oval got deleted accidentally and cant be restored?

....and a pb made by bump drafting with multiple accomplices.... on an oval. The mind boggles.
I think he's just mad because his e-penis among the oval racers is no longer 6 feet long. He no longer has something to childishly brag about, so now he's childishly throwing a tantrum.
is this thread meant honest?
Quote from [DaEmOn] :No way, if this cant be added, game goes up for sale on eBay

You won't be missed.
Quote from [DaEmOn] :No way, if this cant be added, game goes up for sale on eBay

Quoted for additional evidence. And don't you dare to keep LFS!
You too if you should ever make the same decision
I'll miss him!
#19 - DeKo
With the reputation youve been making for yourself, cant see many people wanting to buy the license.
Quote from CLRS530 :@thisnameistaken
You too if you should ever make the same decision

Agree. And I would miss Daemon. He´s a nice guy.

And for all those making jokes about a 29: Try it. You´ll fail. Period
Quote from Crazy Harry :Agree. And I would miss Daemon. He´s a nice guy.

Are you still sulking? Poor thing!

Maybe he is a nice guy, but his announcement that he would flounce off in a huff if the developers won't reinstate his PB isn't going to endear him to many.

Quote from Crazy Harry : And for all those making jokes about a 29: Try it. You´ll fail. Period

Pram, toys, everywhere.....

It's just a PB and not even a skill based PB, just bump drafting. Can't understand why this bothers you so much to make a post about it or to even bother asking for it to be restored some how (instead of just trying again to get a PB).

And then saying you'd sell LFS is it isn't done is just kinda pointless and arrogant. I'm pretty sure nothing will be done so it really only leaves you with one option that you needlessly made for yourself.

Quote from [DaEmOn] :my brother was playing this game, and wanted to view the replay of this lap, he went onto LFS World, went to My Stats and deleted the PB, thinking that it was a Download

Oh My God, How the *** do u dare to come up with such a lie?!?!

Let me just mention one name: S!CKO

And the drama unfolds :munching_
This thread is closed