Hey....North Pole Cruisings Matt has had to pass the ownership down the line to Me (johnfromsunnymull) and [DWLYTS] Dustin (imthebestracerthereis). We have a new programmer to make our InSim as the one before (not mentioning any names) never had time to do it, or allways had an excuse not to do it. We have a new Host, and have 1 server but it could be possible that we will move up to servers. The host will be up from 7am in the morning until 12pm at night. The idea of this was inspired from the legendry LTC and CLC, i know what you are all thinking there is too many of these, but us at NPC are trying our best to come up with new ideas to make this more fun and maybe more challenging
We are also looking for members, to be admins or officers, you dont have to be in the actual NPC team you can just be an officer or an admin.
Hopefully you find this interesting and can i just say, if you dont like the fact about a new cruise server then dont post here slagging cruise servers off, there are people out there who like them, and why do you care? If you dont like them, then just ignore them, they dont have to wreck your LFS experience, and they DONT steel racers, its there choice to do what they want, they spent £24 on this game and should be able to enjoy the game in any way they want (apart from the obvious " Being a complete NooB ".
We have a new website that is [NPC] Website i know its only a wee cheap one for now as we dont have a very big bugget to spend if this thing doesnt come succesful.
Thank You

We are also looking for members, to be admins or officers, you dont have to be in the actual NPC team you can just be an officer or an admin.
Hopefully you find this interesting and can i just say, if you dont like the fact about a new cruise server then dont post here slagging cruise servers off, there are people out there who like them, and why do you care? If you dont like them, then just ignore them, they dont have to wreck your LFS experience, and they DONT steel racers, its there choice to do what they want, they spent £24 on this game and should be able to enjoy the game in any way they want (apart from the obvious " Being a complete NooB ".
We have a new website that is [NPC] Website i know its only a wee cheap one for now as we dont have a very big bugget to spend if this thing doesnt come succesful.
Thank You