The online racing simulator
Ky Oval Layout
Attached is the layout we will be using for the Kyoto Oval race. If there are any issues when using this layout please report them at least 1 week before the race.
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KY1_IGTC.lyt - 1.8 KB - 344 views
I think the exit might be a bit too long - Perhaps we should just limit it to the thick not-entirely-white/beige-ish line for especially the exit.

I also think having those markers all the way around the track is unnecessary and potentially gives the gfx board more to chew on. I at least don't see any need for them, and they also could get in the way, if you are a tad too much on the edge, but not on the grass.

Just my 2 cents.

Ps. I don't mind the amount of marker along the lines - the amount seems to do the job quiet well.

Edit: Hm.. I'm using hires textures, so the thick line I'm reffering to may not look the same on yours - I'll do a screenie.
Here we go...
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I understand the point with the posts, however the reason for the long pit exit is to get the car up to pace before it enters the track. By the time the car exiting the pits is on the track it is doing about 20-30 mph less than the speed of the cars racing.
I have taken off all of the posts on the original layout that surrounded the inside line of the track and removed some sign posts.The edited layout is attached.
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KY1_IGTC.lyt - 836 B - 284 views