I used it for a very long time and liked it pretty much. It has very much buttons on it which are all really easy reachable.
When my driving improved, I missed the separated axis for throttle/break and force feedback.
So I saved some money and bought me a G25 which helped me very much to improve my laptimes (just because of the FF and separated axis).
I don't want to praise the G25 like nothing else, I think any other decent wheel with FF and separated axis would have helped me to improve my lap times. What I really miss are the many buttons on the wheel.
But I like the Thrustmaster very much. I have also driven a long time using throttle/brake on the wheel (had some problem with my brake pedal, which didn't want to break to the maximum), which was also not bad.
So, you have a wheel with many buttons, additional throttle/brake on your wheel, a shifting knob...
I'm starting to repeat myself, so: It's a great wheel if look at its age, but the lack of FF and sep. axis makes it only a bit better than a mouse