The online racing simulator not working anymore in Firefox 1.5
I recently downloaded Firefox 1.5 Release Candidate 1 and 2 and now the menu in isn't working anymore. If I click a link the button starts to flash and nothing happens... I didn't had this in older Firefox versions.
#2 - Lible
Don`t use Firefox, don`t use betas. USE OPERA 8 (9 releasing in some months)
#3 - Tooby
Quote from wheeler :I recently downloaded Firefox 1.5 Release Candidate 1 and 2 and now the menu in isn't working anymore. If I click a link the button starts to flash and nothing happens... I didn't had this in older Firefox versions.

It's a test version...

This text is copied from the home page:
Here's what's new in Firefox 1.5 RC 1:

  • Report a broken Web site wizard to report Web sites that are not working in Firefox.
Report the problems you are having. Use 1.07 for you daily surfing

I've installed 4 browsers since I all need them for testing purposes (letting out my Mac with 3 browsers). A RC2 isn't a testversion, it's almost finished and only tweaks are going to be done so I suppose all you guys will download the 1.5 within 2 weeks and the site won't be working... Don't say I should use browser X because it's better of browser Y because it's cooler; I need all of them and I primarely use FF 1.5 now.

don't bash me I'm testing a release candidate, I think the webmasters should have a look at it before FF is releasing (the fine) 1.5 version.

I reported the bug to Mozilla by the way but I think it's the way the mouse over is handled with CSS together with the Javascript function:
function aniMate (piccie, dir, height) { .. }
RC doesn't mean FINAL - RC means Release Candidate, so is it the final? No it's not. Is it ready to release? Almost, but there are still bugs here and there, hence it's a RC and not a Final.
Sorry, but i don't do webpage adjustments for products that are in testing phase, especially because since there is nothing to fix on my side.
Quote :function aniMate (piccie, dir, height) { .. }

- uhm, if you see anything wrong, why not say it instead of scratching your chin?
let's just wait for 1.5 final then, if it's not working then I might not scratch my chin and look for a solution.
#7 - vari
It works if you disable "block popup windows".

EDIT: that wasn't it. However if you change the prefs, click ok and reload the page then it works. Strange bug
EDIT: apparently even this doesnt work always
i'm finding other bugs too, so really, it's not as bug free as we'd hoped it to be at this stage. They need to work on it for a bit more.
But everyone, do report any bugs on any website that you view with 1.5, via the broken websites wizard, to help them get 1.5 up to scratch.
works fine here, it updated itself a while ago i had rc2 i dunno if its rc3 or final but its ok now.
Really? I had RC2 earlier, and it didn't work, and now I have RC3 and it still doesn't work.

I've tested it to work in the following browsers;
  • Firefox 1.0.7
  • IE5.0.1-SP2
  • IE5.5-SP2
  • IE6
  • Opera 6.0.4
  • Opera 7.0.3
  • Opera8.5
and it doesn't work in these
  • Opera 9 preview1
  • Firefox 1.5 RC2
  • Firefox 1.5 RC3
All of which happen to be test versions... go figure
Quote from Lible :Don`t use Firefox, don`t use betas. USE OPERA 8 (9 releasing in some months)

I hate Opera :P
I hate all those freaking buggy browsers out there o_0
I try to get my hands around the aniMate() function which causes the strange flickering after you clicked a button. I can't really debug Javascript so it's a real pain to see what variable is doing... I tried to "stop" the moving of the picture if it's clicked but so far no luck. For me it's clear there are some changes in Opera/Firefox and maybe in IE7 that's causing this bug.
maybe that has nothing to do with the problem, or maybe it can help (I havent read the thread really, neither taken a look at the function, so...)

well there was a bug in Firefox 1.0x regarding transparency:
when you add opacity to an object and let it run from 0-100, it flickers when stepping from 99 too 100 because apparently Firefox 1.0x differenciates between invisible, opaque and visible.
Thus it hides the object and realoads it while going from 99 to 100, resulting in flickering.

Maybe the bug above is a bit equal... dunno
The bug I mentioned above was fixed in some of the 1.5 betas though. Not sure about those RCs - I didnt test them, still using the 1.5 beta2
1.5 RC3 works better than ever here. re-install FF!
'fixed' the bug. Fixed in quotes, because i didn't fix anything, i just wrote things differently, circumventing the bug in firefox.

The bug isn't in the aniMate function. I removed it altogether while testing and the flickering still occurred.

The bug is in the anchor that the images were wrapped in.

You see, the animation of the images is done very simply by having one bigger image with several 'frames' of animation in it. So to animate, the picture is moved up or down browsing through the frames, animating the link.
The bug is that when you clicked the link, the anchor action made the image go up and down like crazy. It is the anchor that invokes the flickering - not any javascript function.
In fact, now i'm using more javascript, because I couldn't use the o-so-standard anchor tag!

So, I'll report this to FF, hoping they'll fix it soon so i can simply use anchors again.

edit - actually it was a combination of the aniMate and the anchor bug. See here why : I think if the anchor does not move the image, things should be fine again. Something is triggered by the anchor which should remain untouched.
Maybe my problem is related:
I can't open any links (from "What's LfS" to "Q&A") in a new tab (middle click) anymore. This happens with Firefox 1.0.7.
thanks Victor for your info, I keep my eyes open if I see anything around having the same problem.
Quote from SladiVadi :Maybe my problem is related:
I can't open any links (from "What's LfS" to "Q&A") in a new tab (middle click) anymore. This happens with Firefox 1.0.7.

yeah your middle click stopped working because i had to temporarily use another way to make clickable links. This non standard way probably doesn't understand your middle click.
I'm using Firefox 1.5 RC2 and I workarounded this by pressing and hold a second then release.
Quote from Victor :yeah your middle click stopped working because i had to temporarily use another way to make clickable links. This non standard way probably doesn't understand your middle click.

Yeah, I noticed this too today. Hope this is only for the temporary fix, I always open the forum/world links with a middle click usually.
wellllllllll - 1.5 final is out, nothing changed
I think i'm going to detect these faulty versions of firefox and use the javascript linkage for it and use the normal anchors for all the working browsers.

But that means, still no middle click possible with firefox 1.5, though it will work again with older verisons
Moving the anchor tag outside of the containing div seems to fix the issue, at least it does on the anchorbug page anyway. Might be a better solution than JS carnage.
you mean <a><div><img></div></a> ?

Try it on IE then - it won't work anymore. I don't think it's very legal to put div inside anchor. Usually, if formatting is needed inside a link, you use span afaik.

But having said that, as i'll be doing special ff 1.5 code anyway, i might as well do the method above, since it indeed works in ff when i tried it.
You are absolutely correct. It is bad semantic markup, and it doesn't work in IE... but...
I think I just found another solution.
Drop the 'link' div, and assign the style to the anchor tag (with it's own class so it doesn't mangle up other links), adding the attribute "display: block;" to the style; i.e.
a.mainmenu {width: 195; height: 32; overflow: hidden; display:block;}

and here is the div-less link

<a class="mainmenu" href=""><img id="whatislfs" src="anchorbug_files/links_whatis.gif" alt="" onmouseover="aniMate ('whatislfs', 1, 33)" onmouseout="aniMate ('whatislfs', -1, 33)" border="0"></a>

Works in IE6, Firefox 1.5RC2 & Opera8. Havent tested FF1.5 final because I havent got it yet, and you might want to make sure it doesn't bust 1.0.7 too
yeah thanks That does the trick and seems to work everywhere