The online racing simulator
It has to be said........
(28 posts, started )
It has to be said........(Spoiler)
.....and all apologies to the French, but.


Scotland 1 - France 0 at Hampden Park
France 0 - Scotland 1 at the Parc des Princes

Sorry, had to let it all out somehow, and the police have already told me to keep the noice down.
****ing Get In Scotland You Little Beauty:d
gotta giv them their dues.... well done scotland... (oh.. .and england btw. )
A spoiler warning would have been nice for those that recorded the game.
Quote from Serpentine :A spoiler warning would have been nice for those that recorded the game.

Sorry, my bad. Still a good game to watch though
England 3 - Russia 0

[quote=Mackie The Staggie;550047
Scotland 1 - France 0 at Hampden Park
France 0 - Scotland 1 at the Parc des Princes

Gerat. A draw. Mind if I leave the champagne on ice? I was expecting an earth shattering victory. Like E N G L A N D v Russia for example!
erm... that's 2-0 on aggregate
Obviously the celebratory drinks have destroyed Al's ability to do simple arithmetic
Football blows, a bunch of overpaid prima-donna's cheered on by a load of lager swilling louts........
Is this World War III or some sport you're talking about?
Quote from al heeley :Gerat. A draw.

Scotland - France : 1 - 0
France - Scotland : 0 - 1

Bold sections highlighting important information for your viewing comfort.

Quote from danowat :Football blows, a bunch of overpaid prima-donna's cheered on by a load of lager swilling louts........

Woot! Scotland FTW!
Quote from danowat :Football blows, a bunch of overpaid prima-donna's cheered on by a load of lager swilling louts........

Isn't that just any sport?
Not ANY sport, but most, yeah
Football is great....

<- Lager Swilling Lout and PROUD OF IT!!!!!

Quote from mrodgers :Isn't that just any sport?

Just about any "professional" sport really.

Still can't get my mind quite wrapped around the concept of a discussion like this:

"Hey, what do you do for a living?"

Possible pro athlete answers:
"I kick/bounce/throw/swing a bat at/swing a club at/poke/slap/punch a ball."
"I drive a car/motorcycle in circles."
"I run."
"I pedal."
"I lift weights."
Quote from danowat :Football blows, a bunch of overpaid prima-donna's cheered on by a load of lager swilling louts........

I thought it was spelt (pre-madonna) ? :P
Never knew that, i knew it had to be something Latin... damn Latin classes, HOW I DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!

I am a happy bunny!

I spent my afternoon at work refreshing the BBC Sport pages furiously to see what the score was!

Excellent result for us!
Didn't the Dutch team beat Scotland by 6-0 some time ago?
Quote from hrtburnout :Didn't the Dutch team beat Scotland by 6-0 some time ago?

I believe that was in the dark days we had under Berti Vogts, who single handedly killed any small chances that Scotland may already have had.

The major shame of the reign under Berti was that it went on soo long! How many terrible results did we have to produce under his coaching before we realised a change was needed?

I mean, look at the up-turn in form we have had immediately after his departure! I will admit Scotland have limited talent when it comes to the footy, but we have to make sure that whatever coach we have makes the most of our team spirit and gets the team well organised and disciplined so that the big teams at least get a good game against us...or we beat them....twice!
Quote from hrtburnout :Didn't the Dutch team beat Scotland by 6-0 some time ago?

Yeah, cant mind what for, think it was Euro 2002. I went to both legs, 1 - 0 home win at Hampden park, and genuine belief that we could go through. Unfortunately it went all wrong from the start of the second leg.
#25 - DeKo
some ****ing goal that was.

It has to be said........
(28 posts, started )