What am i missing?
(18 posts, started )
What am i missing?

Im playing the demo at the moment and its great. But what are the circuits like when you own a license and how do you race with other cars i.e formula ford.
Circuits are EXCELLENT, and use inspiration from real tracks in certain places...

There's no Formula Ford in LFS, but I'm not sure what you mean by "how do you race". It involved lots of cars driving around trying to win.

Lots of people like lots of different cars and tracks - there are 744 possible combinations. Road cars, Race cars, Formula cars, FWD, RWD, AWD, Front Engine, Mid Engined (no rear engined as far as I can remember).

Basically, if you like the demo, and have a few quid on you, get it - you WON'T regret it.
Ya tristancliffe summed it up nicely!
The S2 license is leagues better than the demo and is by far the best considering the price u pay for it.
and if u don't want to buy the S2 license get the S1 one and you'll se after some time you want to drive those nice GTRs and formular cars and you'll get the S2 license too

but start with about € 18,-- (in GB 12,--) for S1 and i promise you won't regret it!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#5 - _Rob_
Quote from tristancliffe :(no rear engined as far as I can remember).

FZ50 is rear engine
Hehe, I'm DEMO RACER for longer than year because I have bloody slow internet connection and LFS DEMO!!! is the only game what I play..... Is it enough???????? (well, sometimes I also double-click on LockOn too)
Quote from _Rob_ :FZ50 is rear engine

Is it? I guess it depends on your exact definition, but I'd say it was mid engined. Just.
#8 - _Rob_
Look at the weight distribution, can't be classified mid-engined with that imo
It is in my estimation rear engined as the Porsche 911 is, which is the feel they were going for i believe. Its certainly not the best design, but its a heritage thing with the 911. Technically most of the front engined cars are mid engined in LFS.
(vicc) fz is rear, ra is mid afaik

got my license and ready to go!!!
Well, have fun...
Now you can say goodbye to your normal life and social connections.
I just got S2, and I'm still a little "shocked and awed" by all the content... I can drive most stuff, but I'm strugling with the LX cars and the Formula V8... The FV8 is just insane, as soon as I touch the mouse, the car just starts spinning like the world is about end. The new tracks are still confusing as all hell, so I think I'll stay at blackwood for a while yet! What you will immediatly see as awesome is:
1) The complete set of TBO cars, particularly the FXO Turbo, the most awesome car I can drive at all properly
2) The MRT-5... It's very silly indeed, but good fun.
3)Fern bay. Really pretty map
4)South city, a bit complex and confusing the first run through
5) The GTR cars.... The XRR is crazy!
6)The Formula cars. Can you say "doughnuts"?

I can't comment on online play, as my ISP charges like a wounded bull if you go over the miserly 500mb download limit, but I can only imagine it leaves the demo servers for dead. Spend the money, and you will have more stuff to play with than you can imagine.

#15 - avih
Quote from Daedelus :I just got S2, and I'm still a little "shocked and awed" by all the content... I can drive most stuff, but I'm strugling with the LX cars and the Formula V8... The FV8 is just insane, as soon as I touch the mouse, the car just starts spinning like the world is about end. The new tracks are still confusing as all hell, so I think I'll stay at blackwood for a while yet! What you will immediatly see as awesome is:
1) The complete set of TBO cars, particularly the FXO Turbo, the most awesome car I can drive at all properly
2) The MRT-5... It's very silly indeed, but good fun.
3)Fern bay. Really pretty map
4)South city, a bit complex and confusing the first run through
5) The GTR cars.... The XRR is crazy!
6)The Formula cars. Can you say "doughnuts"?

I can't comment on online play, as my ISP charges like a wounded bull if you go over the miserly 500mb download limit, but I can only imagine it leaves the demo servers for dead. Spend the money, and you will have more stuff to play with than you can imagine.



I really hope you can afford to play online, it's such a great experience... perhaps you could turn off the auto skin download feature and save some bandwidth? worth at least a try i think to play online for an hour and see how much you download.

From a test I've just made (oval track, FO8, around 15-16 cars on track) the download rate is about 5+K/s (similar to 56kbps modem) which is less than 20M/hour. Upload rate is less than half of that (i would expect it to be 1/15 of that but i didn't conclude exact tests). So, for about 10% of your monthly capacity you can play online 2.5 hours a month I highly recomment to go online once in a while...

cheers, and welcome again
The 911 is rear engined end of story...

as for this classification of 'front-mid' cars, they aren't mid engined in the traditional sense, just have there engines mounted further back to get enough weight behind the front axle, this will make a big difference but they are still essentially front engined.
That would work, but I'm not the only one in the house who uses the 'net... My older brother makes up quite a big slice of our useage, we normally go over by a few gig, even when we're restricting ourselves. My dad also shoots quite a few files between his computer at work and home, so that accounts for something.

(deggis) DELETED by deggis
If your family usually goes over by a few gig, wouldn't the obvious solution be to either change your ISP, or switch to a different tariff from your current provider?

Because once you've gone online and got into the multiplayer racing... well, let's put it this way: LFS is crap in single player.

What am i missing?
(18 posts, started )